Lebanoids fire rockets at Isracels but hit other Lebanoids instead. Isracels shell them for trying.

1  2021-05-18 by YoshFromYsraelDntBan


Glad to see this place finding new purpose discussing world news in babytalk

Snappy, is that you?


open wide here comes the missile


Grown cuck detected 😷

New snappypost pls

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Lebanoids fire rockets at Isracels ... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I miss Pizza😔😔😔, he would have had some great spergouts on Israel/Palestine

He’s definitely back, gotta look harder.

Good to see he's firmly pro-Jew

I don't think Lebanon would be stupid enough to stick their dick in this right now, and from what I've read neither do the Israelis.

Yeah, it's most likely evicted palestoids trying to drag Lebanon into a war a la the kidnapping of the IDF soldiers that sparked a very bloody civil war. Lebanon doesn't support Israel but it absolutely does not want to fuck with the IDF. Israel would probably just level Gaza and Lebanon at that point if it thought it was aggressed on two sides. Probably retake the West Bank, too.

Isn’t Lebanon 50% Christian? Why do they hate Israel?

I have a Maronite Lebanese friend and he says “I just hate Israel. I don’t understand why, that’s just what everybody does, so I hate Israel”

Everybody reaches their political positions like your friend. Your buddy is just more upfront about it.

Based and Matzopilled


Based and GoingWithTheFlowpilled.

The virgin because it's what's rightcel vs the based it is what it is chad

Hezbollah is an institution in Lebanon, and has some support. They're ambivalent towards Hamas. There's some rumors circling around that they've even basically said that they're not condemning anyone for firing rockets at Israel from Lebanon, though I'm not sure how true that is or if that was before or after the attack. Also Lebanon isn't 50% Christian, they're a huge minority for sure but Muslim Arabs are still the majority.

According to the washington post, 30% is Christian and 70% is Muslim: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/lebanon.html

Lebanon used to be 60/40 christcuck but their civil war made most of them leave for the USA. In fact, I think more Lesbianese live outside of Lebanon than inside

Hating people of space laser is pretty much the default position for all human cultures. Asking "why do they hate kippahmericans" is like asking "why are burgers fat, Russians drunk, and French stinking".

Also, just to add despite more seriousposting. Lebanon probably hates Israel like the other old enemies of Israel like Egypt and Jordan do, not a lot. They'll pay the whole Palestine thing some lip service, but they've all gotten chummy pretty recently with the U.S. and Israel. Palestine is gaining moral sentimental allies with media coverage but it's actual nearby allies have pretty much left it to the wolves. It's Palestinian refugee factions in said countries that try to start shit with Israel to bait the countries they have fugee status in to help them.

Also, most Christian Lebanese probably hate Palestinian more than they hate Israel. Israel overstayed their welcome but were generally on the Christian militias’ side during the civil war. Whereas the PLO directly started it in the first place

Right. Didn't they with Hezbollah even apologize for kidnapping those IDF soldiers? Israel came in and kicked their ass so hard their leader had to apologize for starting the war.

They did, an article here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/aug/28/syria.israel

Christian Arabs hate Israel too

Palestinian Christians hate Israel as much as the Muslims do.

Some Middle Eastern Christians try extra hard to be included in the Arab nationalist movement by hating Israel even more.


yeah diapered up boys no go north no more

man, this will never be not funny

Paleoid mad (x24)

Maybe if you had paid your rent to the IDF they wouldnt explosively evict you🤭

Israel landchad?

I will send Hezbollah on your doors to teach you a lesson.

just you wait

Oh no, whatever will i do when they miss and hit a field two towns over😱

just make sure you wear your tactical diapers when they come


Based Israecels

Could someone please just destroy Israel already

I have a Lebanese friend who unironically thinks that hezbollah can defeat Israel in armed conflict

Stay up king! Maybe there’s a chance!

They won't even get the chance. Hamas will surely win all of Palestine in glorious combat soon.


You mean Isreal with a mask?

Lol. Man for man Israel probably has the best trained military on the planet.

This shouldn’t even be controversial but all of my Arab friends here in the US are totally brainwashed. One of them told me yesterday that ISIS aren’t Muslim because if they were Muslim they would’ve invaded Israel and—this is a direct quote—“they could easily destroy Israel if they wanted to.”

I wish they could

imagine being an angry muzzie

Constant state of seethe

hey another one. enjoy being forever upset cause you're brown lmao

الله سوف تمطر النار عليك

Imagine using the feminine verb form for Allah. Imagine typing Fus’Ha on arrrrrdeuramaaagh. Fucking cringe.

Based and darija-pilled

I'm not Muslim, I'm a proud Christian, and as such Israel should be vanquished

Daddy USA just needs to give Israel and Palestine statehood and they'll just live like Virginia and West Virginia

I support a new partition plan to create Israel and West Israel.

