LIVE DRAMA: Building in the Glorious Middle Kingdom loses mandate of heaven, becomes leaning tower of Shenzen.

1  2021-05-18 by Big_Iron_PP


Have you tried ground rhinoceros horn?

Helps straighten my tower. 😏

Chinese quality.

it did not fell for what its worth.

Inferior chinese quality. It doesn't work but it also doesn't break.

The Question is, is it the quality of the building or the quality of the subway planning.


Shenzhen's emergency management department says it's looking into the cause

eh, just a bit crooked, but still perfectly fine. Now get back to work or it'll be deducted from your social score.

The combination of gynese quality and the ridiculous construction boom the government there forced, is gonna turn the country into a gigantic game of Jenga. And I for one can't wait!

This is what gets me when people talk about how quickly China has gone from having no highway system to speak of, to having more roads and highway bridges than any other country. My first thought upon seeing the 6 - year old Sidu River Bridge is to wonder how long it’s going to be before it falls.

This is what gets me when people talk about how quickly China has gone from having no highway system to speak of, to having more roads and highway bridges than any other country.

You'll learn to tune out eventually. There was a period I was constantly bombarded with this type of shit from my relatives, and the White classmate in college, who had a Chinese wife.

Cyberpunk af

Dont forget the economy as well because theyre in a massive housing bubble, 2008 style.

Literal bubble in this case😏😏

Who's the playa crankin a hoon while running from a potential building collapse? I feel like we have things in common.

How are the chinese so incompetent? At least Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, and the other alien bug hive people are able to iterate and improve upon stolen western designs, but the Chinese cannot seem to rise above mere copying and fail even at that.

Because result comes first. It sure gives the CCP a lot of "faces," so to speak. Then they use it to broadcast to their people how much they have risen, and no longer have to fear the West.

A lot of CCP's stuff is on shaping themselves as the sole protector of Asian pride.

A lot of CCP's stuff is on shaping themselves as the sole protector of Asian pride.

Yeah, the Canadian Connoisseurs Podcast is putting more effort than representing just Han Nationalism, they're now formulating their own version of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

In the past year I've started to see some few netouyo (Japanese equivalent of /pol/acks) occasionally saying that in the end, China ain't that bad, not outright supporting them since they're still Imperial Japan's arch-nemesis, just seeing them as a somewhat positive force, since China has become the country that leads an ethnic nationalist, socially conservative, anti-Western, pan-Asian identity that Japan sought to become in WWII.

The Nanking-denying Japanese Ultranationalist to CCP wumaocel pipeline is real, I love and hate this timeline at the same time.

netouyo... occasionally saying that in the end, China ain't that bad

I heard a whisper of that a few years ago, and I thought I was going crazy. Seems like it has been getting louder since I last heard of it.

Perhaps I should start digging in 2ch or 5ch, but I barely even visit /pol/, so I may really need to force myself.

The Chinese used to be poorer than Africa. Its just when you build your civilization on the ruins of communism it makes it hard.

Tesla's oscillator confirmed.

it is physically impossible for me to see asian people running in the streets and not say, "GODZILLA!" out loud.

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. LIVE DRAMA: Building in the Gloriou... -,*

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Hope they at least got to use a 20% off coupon on this thing



Anyone else get strong Godzilla vibes from that video?

Everyone trashing China in this thread like SF doesn’t have a leaning tower of its own

Nooo!!!! Not muh Chinerinos!!!

China bad, SF bad, what’s your point?


Bitch, xue hua piao piao bei feung xiao xiao

Lol pointing to the most Chinese city in America to deflect criticism of China onto America.


Reject Modernity, Retvrn to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 🐉

The Taiping are yet another great idea sunk by the Anglos