After Germany is culturally improved by Muslim immigrants, these immigrants return the favor by enriching German culture. Twitter users are left aghast and say this behaviour is absolutely haram.

1  2021-05-18 by busslordlowkeybussin


I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. After Germany is culturally improve... -,*

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Subbasement 😳😳😳

That’s pretty gay, Snappy


There's nothing gay about girl c*ck. The mouth feel is unbelievable.

Idiot whiteoids don’t understand how a culture victory works. Bombs will destroy their buildings, but McDonalds, media, and consumerism will destroy their lifestyle.

This is why I’m not scared of China tbh. If they watch Disney movies, they’ve already lost.

there is a billion (plus) of them.

they can assign 100 million of them to watch Disney movies in order to keep disney jumping when they say jump.

and then they can just kill those 100 millions once they dont need them any more and move on like nothing happened.

They would all have to be m*ids, since China had a severe lack of the oids starting with f

Somewhere in china there are a bunch of uygurs with one kidney strapped down to a chair watching toy story IV 17 hours a day

Maybe Chinese kids watch Disney movies and then stop with the capeshit and starshit when they reach adulthood unlike degenerate wh1toids in the west.

This is why I am scared of Japan. Libertarians furiously jack it to cartoons about horny 9000 year-old dragons stuck in the body of an 8 year-old, we've already lost.

Libertarians ever having relevance



Jihad vs the Shopping Mall

America will always win because the jihadis can force you to strap on a suicide vest, but prolonged exposure to Burger Culture will make you welcome the sweet release of death.

Real Fukuyama hours 😎😎😎

It’s been made a lot. Good “knight vs giant” meme involved sharia vs turning Muslims gay.

It’s silly because there is plenty of gay stuff in Muslim cultures, just don’t ask don’t tell. Not even the gross dancing boys stuff, I just mean casual bussin’. You can only get so restrictive of loose slooters before men start exploring options.

In Afghanistan, all the translators would pile onto one bed to watch their movies or whatever on one cell phone. They weren't fucking or anything(in those moments) but they had absolutely no problem merging into manlet mountain on one bed together.

Frankly, those translators probably thought they'd get airlifted out of that shithole rather than be left behind to get castrated and hung with barbed wire.

You'd think they would have learned from what happened after the Russians left but I guess everybody makes the mistake of believing 'murica once.

Its probably like dealing drugs. You're probably going to die, you won't make shit, BUT, if you survive long enough and manage to be on the winning "team", you will make BANK.


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That’s incredibly traaansphobic. It wasn’t hateful.

Fo real. I know for sure that "Man-love Thursday" is a real thing in Sixteenthcenturyistan. The whole day is like a get-out-of-straight-free card.

The media says the place is absolutely crawling with Bacha Bazi boys and I've heard other guys say they saw one, but I somehow never did. I did see more gay-adjacent shit between adult ANP men than I ever saw while chilling with my 'mo friends in Boystown, though. And heard the moaning all the way into Friday morning, of course.

It could come from having the sexual education of kindergarteners. "BOYS HAVE A PEE PEE, GIRLS HAVE A---WELL, I'M NOT SURE WHAT THEY HAVE, BUT IT'S PROBABLY HARAM." On the other hand, I remember being told that the Pashtuns are the descendents of Alexander's soldiers. No one fucks more butts than the Greeks, so it might just be in their blood.

I had a good laugh when I heard the joke about how birds fly in circles over Kandahar because one wing is covering their asshole.

I kind of felt like that documentary implied it was way more widespread than it actually is. Maybe a touch of the old: “imagine how many kids will be violated if we pull troops out now, you guys”.

In Afghanistan it almost certainly is due to a weird combo of ignorance and wanting to follow the rules of Islam, which I’m sure are hilariously vague and subjective when you have one or two elders that can read Arabic.

Whole region seems to have a weird relationship with bussyism, rural wastelands and developed countries. Would be interesting to see if the East Asian predominately Muslim countries have similar rates, somehow I doubt it.


"it's time to DIVEST 🚷 in toxic 🤢 friends who don't understand 🤯 how screeching about JK Rxwlxng for 2 years straight will somehow 👏 liberate 👏 the 👏 working 👏 class.... but y'all ain't ready to have that conversation 💅🏿"

Its not my job to educate you. CASHAPP $COMRADENATALIE🏳️‍⚧️

Ramsha Afridi: “OMG I love you 😍🥰 this is BASED AF 🤤❤️🔥”

Congrats to @lporiginalg for getting in

Not my account but yeah I agree, they already got Mackson, when he used to be such a faithful Muslim.

They haven't got me. But maybe because I never bothered to speak their language.

Mackson fell to the anime chad

Asian woman succumbs to western Liberalism:

The c*rean question

In China parents put their daughters on birth control for the entirety of high school because menstruation interferes with valuable studying time lol.

lol that Asian mom one. The incels are so mad that thin 17 year old girl would be having sex.


The power of Allah is no match for the power of bussy.

Is this I, Hypocrite guy one of those Western Civilization fanboys?

has Greek statue avatar

not a fan of bussy

I, hypocrite indeed

The thousands of twitter rightoids share literally only 2 profile pictures amongst themselves: Greek pederast or japanese child porn.

You forgot about dude driving truck

Lol yeh link is in the comments somewhere.

When he started doing his irl videos, it was like when maddox starting posting on the YouTube. It was like the veil falling back.

Behind the funny posts, there's a balding mid thirties guy who really should be doing something else.

I watched his stream with emil owk, and he didn't come off well at all.

Conservatards and leftoids seething 🤭

Poor muslim, came to germany to learn more about exterminating the superior race and became gay instead.

Ahh yes, the great failed European experiment.

“Love is halal”
