DDD reminds people he isn't dead by stirring up some controversy; says he prefers black civil rights icons who trend on social media.

1  2021-05-18 by busslordlowkeybussin


That girl's twitter is an interesting rabbit hole. She's a black conservative who calls out racism from the dems, but when white conservatives try and join in the fun she's like "you're racist too, step off."

stupidpol type of ho

Based tbh

Radical centrist queen tbh

Oh yeah, this is def queen shit. I can respect the ideological consistency I see from her.

No true Scotsman

So she’s correct?

OP doesnt realize this is how most black people think

my mom is more conservative than most people i've ever met, but she's not gonna vote for republicans because they are cartoonishly racist, instead of just regular racist like democrats.

I think they'll try tone it down eventually to win over the Hispanics. Wonder which way Asians will go long term.

"eventually" "long term"

sure, let's keep pretending America doesn't have another 50-60 years max before it collapses

Stop it I'm already hard. Can you imagine the value of dramacoin when that happens.


Dramacoin wouldn’t even matter at that point since the rest of the world would collapse with us

Hopefully within 5 years. I want to enjoy the shit show not be dead for it

Which way, western eastern man?

Wait. Are you saying your mum is black?

OP doesnt realize this is how most black people think

I'm from Oregon and the only black person I've spent an extended period of time with was an immigrant from Africa raised in Washington with a white step dad. I would never even pretend to understand how black people think.

Black people need to form their own political party

Queen shit

She kinda cute too. However, does this not make her the ultimate centrist?

The fact that he sucks at golf just means that he's closer to the average American if anything else

I don't think most Americans suck as bad as he does. Take your little kids to Top Golf and they will do better than he is.

I agree. Adam Sandler is better golfer than trump, and he uses a fucking hockey stick.


he's punching at the ball with the club, he's already got his eyes up before the club hits the ball, hell his toes aren't even pointed the same direction

unironically one of the strangest golf swings I've ever seen. swing through the ball you crazy old sob

He was distracted by Michael Douglas.

Imagine if DDR was still around to respond to that 😭😭😭😭

Lol the lack of a character limit on his boomer blog has ruined his commentary. It's way better when he does the "what a loser" hit and run move.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

Turns out it's also the soul of shitposting and bantz.

Trump has some pretty hilarious golf stories, like from other accounts but still. Biden should troll trump by playing on one of his courses.

He's right.

MLK did all his best work when he was alive.

Georgie did his best work right about the time his heart stopped.

MLK wasn't even thought of in the same respect that we do now when he died.

Something like only a quarter of all americans had anywhere near a positive opinion of him at first when he died.

Biden is like a broken clock lol

He's absolutely right though, the key words being "worldwide impact" and the deaths of Floyd/MLK specifically. MLK didn't have multinational companies scrambling to publish press releases honouring him or thousands of protests outside of the USA about his death for almost a year at this point. Oh god I'm seriousposting, might as well lock the sub up again.

Oh god I'm seriousposting,

You know the drama is good when DDD makes you seriouspost lol.

I thought MLK was alt-right now because he wanted everyone to be treated equally regardless of race? My man Big Joe's just staying current with what's #trending.

I mean it probably did. MLK got assassinated after people had moved onto other figures/movements.


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Omg am I being trolled right now, this can't be real. I know Joe Biden isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, even when he was younger but you can't say fentanyl Floyd was more important than MLK

lol I guess pulling the mask totally off on the other ear was too much energy for gramps. Just let that shit hang from one ear.

Lol in his demented state he might ironically create a new fashion trend. It's like having your backpack over one shoulder but more irritating.

I'm not a boomer or dementoid but I do that shit too. If it catches on, good for Uncle Joe.