Mia Khalifa uses her hands and mouth to support the Palestinian cause (on Twitter) by claiming all the free, democratic countries of the Middle East are threatened by Israel's existence.

1  2021-05-18 by busslordlowkeybussin


Ah yes, the extremely democratic countries of Iraq and Saudi Arabia

yup, you need to run at least half of your country semi democratically in order to claim the title.

arabcells will never learn smh

Iraq is a whole lot closer than the Saudis


Hey, Saudi Arabia is extremely democratic. You can now vote for your town's mayor. And women can vote too!

You mean to say the middle east isn't a utopia for women and minorities? But I thought AmeriKKKa was the evil one!

at least we have free health care 😏

Including a quick cure for homosexuality

Stoning someone to death doesn't seen that quick

yikes sweaty. so much ignorance. we use swords.

Depends on how hard you throw

Oh snap!

Getting goat balls shoved up your ass while your father chants half-remembered verses from the Koran isn't healthcare.





All these things have an END except ISLAM. Just know that Allah's love for you is eternal. Peace be with you, Brother.

Allet hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei

based and kraut-pilled.

Good morning

Lol literally. Life is a meme.

I will now watch your movies 🍑 💦 📸


(Unironically a great flag by the way)

Indian really rubbed it in saying she is a true Muslim, when she is actually a catholic.

if she were actually in the middle east, she would be put to death for her profession. I wonder if she realizes this.

And for picking up dog shit with a mask and then putting it back on her face


Search mia in r drama

I rather not

I read that on Kiwi, yeah wtf man

She does, like any influencer she's just gaming the search algorithm, and OP is helping here.

This is out of the topic

Thot Status: Patrolled

Then how come she has never done anal???

I think she has?

Nice catch. Fucking hilarious


Her pinned tweet is full of some good drama

Lol didn't check it out thought it was some random dancing TikTok but you're right. I can already sense all the sweet victim blaming and defensive comments in there

The real victims were those three men cause they probably got some disease from Mia.

That's old af tho. It's from the whole bangbros thing.


You got me really excited, I read Gal Gadot response and was ready for the celeb showdown. But actually it's just Gad Saad some anti-sjw guy that spends all day on Twitter.

Lol and on Joe Rogans show.

Here is something similar. If only Gal would respond to Mia.

Here is Bibi's son complaining about Israel's lack of social media thots. The state of modern war smh.

Here is something similar. If only Gal would respond to Mia.

Lol imagine thinking Gal Gadot ever actually killed anyone or had to break a sweat during her "military service", as if celebrity models don't get a cushy sinecure instead of an actual job.

Here is something similar. If only Gal would respond to Mia.

We cannot allow a thot gap!

Doesn't she hate being called a pornstar?

im no israel defender, but that is a profoundly braindead take

Alright that's it. Rightwing Pajeet coomers are going to delete all Mia Khalifa porn from their 2GB flash drives.

If political opinions actually impacted your cooming habits we'd have far fewer cathcels fucking catboys.

hot arab sex video hd 1080p free punjabi movies download bollywood stream 1080p ਮੁਫ਼ਤ ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ 😂

commenting to save this for later


The taboo aspect makes the vinegar strokes feel better than boofing a speedball.

Well I guess you cant expect much from a woman, and even less from a woman who did porn lmao

Maybe gargling some c** for work every morning is like swallowing each time a red 💊 even too big for this subreddit 😎

I’d say the same thing if there was a fatwa on my head for sucking pole in a hijab. Gotta get back into good graces somehow, insha'Allah 🕌🍑👳🏽🍆🕋🌈



Damn I don't even like Israel and I'm just shocked at these brain dead takes on the bird app. This cum dumpster thinks the only democracy in the middle East is what's stopping democracy. Why are we taking the political beliefs of a cum guzzling whore seriously?

That's probably the worst part of social media. Any rslur can just type out whatever they want, get some likes and think their brain dead opinion actually matters. It conflates the ego of these ecelebs to much. That's how we got to this dumb bitch giving her take on the Israel Palestine conflict.

The internet and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Kalifa must be a dramanaut man. She also lied and slandered her past employer to cause a scene and get attention. Of course everybody believes because wahmen can't lie about easy to refute facts.

the only democracy in the middle East

She's from a democracy in the Middle East that's not Israel.

You rslur, Lebanon is hardly a democracy


Hate to be that guy but ego is "inflated", not conflated. Burgers...


So you knew exactly what I was saying and still wanted to be an fslur about it

I just dont see how you being barely literate is anyone else's fault

We don't need you coming in here berating people for being illiterate.

We have Pizza for that.

ummm akksuckaly ur barely literate cause u said conflating ego


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Why are we taking the political beliefs of a cum guzzling whore seriously?

We aren't. We're mocking her for being a dumbass.

Maybe drama is. But the general Twitter populous is taking her seriously

Which is just further proof that not only is she a dumbass, but all the people and bots taking her seriously are also dumbasses.


Good morning I hate women

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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This but not joking

every porn movie is a seminal film

good morning indeed

Wow. I never thought a pornstar would have a retarded take on politics.

I didn’t know true muslims get fucked for cash on camera lol

She was literally receiving death threats from Muslims due to her hijab porn scenes a few years ago


WTF, is this a Twitter screenshotpost? Are we forbidden from linking Twitter threads too now?

Nah link is in the comments. I feel like screenshots are better for this kinda low effort post.

Wait guys she has a point

a point, wait guys she has.


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Based woman