Me, Myself and Palestine

1  2021-05-18 by my32


She should post receipts of donating to Israeli charities, then feign confusion.

"So you're telling me the people that are surrounded by neighbors that want to see them genocided (again) and started half a dozen wars to that end, are the oppressors?"

too long for new kids

you just say "I see you are Hamas supporter" nowadays

Or drop a 'both sides bad' which produces maximum seethe from, well, both sides

A seethe cheat code


I’m so sick of these fucking zoomers and journos thinking they can internet bully people to agree with them. Just because they’re weak enough to get bullied into an opinion doesn’t mean we all are.

This is a long-standing international issue that’s been going on before I was even a twinkle in my fathers eye. And these fucking assholes already have me defending Israel in a roundabout way. And I fucking hate them for that because in a vacuum I am not a fan of how the country operates and how we give them billions.

Well to be fair, all one requires to understand the conflict is 5 minutes on twitter and maybe a tiktok video.

I literally saw someone unironically say that it only takes 5 minutes of research to know everything you know need to know about the conflict. Guess who he said was doing a heckin ethnic cleansing


journos thinking they can internet bully people to agree with them

I genuinely believe there is a bullied to journalist pipeline and once they become journalists they use barrages of words to wear down their victims.

To people who are so mentally and emotionally weak that a bunch of Twitter comments can shape their entire worldview about significant issues, the ability to influence Twitter with a blue checkmark probably seems like military-grade weaponry. When they finally run into somebody like Joe Rogan who DGAF what they think about him, it must feel like facing off against Superman.

"I don't know what's happening, I've fired hundreds of sarcastic Twitter comments in his direction, and he just shrugged them off!"

"Did you deploy false accusations of racism and misogyny?!?"

"I did, xir! But it's like he didn't even notice! His career is completely unscathed!"

"You're saying that he's immune to our heaviest weaponry?!? God help us all."

maybe you can LARP having a job next time

free thought and looking at a subject with nuance before being bullied and forced to go along with others or face consequences

Slow down with that fashy thinking there bud.

At this point I am just going to go full accelerationist into the homofashy lifestyle. It’s the only was to get state mandated Bussy with cat ears.

Lucky for the sane of us it's possible to both disagree with how or what your country does to fund Israel and have the moral clarity to condemn a terrorist state trying to kill them all.

Nobody posting here is truly sane.

The radical centrist move is to let them fight and winner gets the land.

I support the apartheid state of Palestine

That "people of iranian rockets" are even higher on the oppression pole than "people of 53%" who are themselves higher than "people of kvetching" is a plot twist i didnt really expect to see in current_year+<whatever>

Very few demographics have the required oppression score to unseat people of the rocket.

You'd need at least an American native with direct ties to a tribe that was wiped out by smallpox that also believed in 3 genders.

can someone translate this comment from autistic to english for me

If you can't decipher that comment then you shouldn't post here.

you shouldn't post here

dont you even know who i am

i was atakeonhooper i used to argue with invictus and jack off to pictures of pizzashill back in the 90s



Tismo translation services activated:

That Palestinians are even higher on the oppression pole than black people who are themselves higher than Jews is a plot twist i didnt really expect to see in the year of our Lord 2021

If you aren't fluent in niche Internet autism, you dont deserve to understand my comment sweaty💅🏿


Verboten? It's been a recurring topic for over two decades. It crops up every few years.

Yeah. Even the whole Bibi did this intentionally and is using this to secure the election theory is kinda dumb, because we'll see this cycle again in the next two years. Hamas fires some rockets, Israel mows the lawn and gives them a black eye. Ceasefire. See you in a year or so.

Truth is Israel is always in the middle of an election, it would be more suspicious if the conflict took place in the 2 weeks per year there's a stable government.

Oh yeah, taking a history course makes you such a nerd lmao. I'm reading Harry Potter right now- I know I know I'm such a nerd.

How is Free Palestine talk verboten? In what fucking country is that not the most basic bitch college liberal stance?


but until a week ago talking shit about Israel was always met with charges of anti-semitism.

Unless they recently bickered anywhere in the past 5 years or so, then you'd get away with #FreePalestine shit in academic circles and on twitter easily


Months? Myanmar was two weeks ago. Funnily enough I think journaloids might have a chip on their shoulder about this one so they'll probably stick to it until it really becomes not profitable.

The idea that we all have an obligation to "speak up" on each and every social issue is absurd.

I just scrolled through this guy's Twitter feed and he hasn't mentioned anything about the Tigray massacres, so he must support ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia. Yikes!

Silence is Violence.

That's why when someone with provably more knowledge than I have starts talking, I scream as loud as I can, so that he understands that I'm not dangerous.

The world would be a lot less interesting if there weren't so many people running around using causes as an excuse to be awful

ok, ill do it


"Unbiased sources that it is a genocide" wat?

Unbiased source = the source that confirms my opinion

I wonder what the grifter cropped out on the right text.

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


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LBGriffy already has a skit on this

Why would anybody be surprised, and outraged, by this sentiment?

You can barely interact with a Palestinian in most parts of the Untied States. I have never seen one being shown in my area, until I went to college.

The sub is getting way to sincere about this topic for my tastes, this isn't even funny at all.

Did the rightoids take over while I wasn't looking?

Then post some cringy rightoids

There was a post making fun of boomer rightoids but other then that there hasn't really been much going on with em. Leftoids are the ones stirring up drama and shit currently so most posts will be about leftoids. I expect there will be a lot of drama coming from rightoids when they prolly lose their supreme court case tho.

