The thought of having to pay for costs they introduced makes fåt people SEÉTHE

1  2021-05-18 by LEFTOID_DESTROYER


everyone's worried about the rona meanwhile the average amerilard is so fat he needs to be weighed at the gate to ensure the plane is capable of leaving the tarmac. save us, ted.

"You should undertake a program of physical training. You can start by running half a mile a day. When you feel comfortable with that, move up to a mile. And so forth, until you are running five miles at least four times a week. The object of this will not be to win races or anything of that sort, but simply to cultivate self-discipline. And, of course, it’s always advantageous to be in good physical condition."

You don't have to run or work out or anything to lose weight. I genuinely think people aren't aware of how fucking bad soda is for you, or sugar drinks period.

I was never really fat, but I wasn't skinny either. When I stopped drinking soda years ago I lost 8 something pounds almost right away. Just from switching to water only.

Another person I know lost 12 pounds from this. No changes to diet outside of switching to water, no running, no anything.

The point is, added sugar is a fucking cancer and people are seemingly very uneducated about it.

Though I strongly disagree with Ted's "run half a mile" meme. You should absolutely start out walking for a bit before you try to run at all. I learned this when I first started running and fucked my legs up for a month.

yeah, treating them like a dessert goes a long way. i still consume them but it's a celebration or a snack.

and calories are hard to undo or make up for with exercise -- you have to run for an hour to work off three cans of soda. it's really not worth the time investment alone.

abs are made in the kitchen, it's almost entirely diet.

Yeah, I don't run for calories, I run for heart health. I'll run 45 minutes 4-5 days a week deepending.

oh i don't run at all to be clear, was just an example. but kudos!


...not running is gay?

No, you. You are gay.

while it's true i munched on a barrel of pickles in my day, i've now settled down with a nice lady so my days of indulging on dill are behind me. though it does help that she has an enormous clit

why bring that up now though? it seems so random. and after all, everyone's a little gay

excuse me sir every penis i have sucked on belonged to a woman

your loss

Just drink sugar free soda bro.

You don't even need to exercise. I lost 17 kg(37 lb in freedom units) in 2 months of 2019 simply by not eating breakfast and lunch and i wasn't even anyhere near obesity.

You see despite the fact that Rona still isn't as deadly as obesity it isn't a choice so its why we can therefore control your life. Except for all the obese kids getting sent to an early grave that we aren't even taking 1% of the effort to save.

This feels like reverse psychology because obviously none of the fatazoids will get on the livestock scale on account of fatphobic buttergender erasure or whatever, so everyone who gets on the scale gets on the plane and then they can bag and tag the crisco golems.

This is like one of those AI generated pics where you can understand each word but together it's just incomprehensible


He said a good comment. I'm sorry you didn't understand :(

Crisco golems 😂

Can't wait for the inevitable people of soy and lardoid alliance. Finally some bipartisanship.

Honestly if I could afford it I'd buy two seats every time I fly. Not having to worry about elbow room and having a seat to switch to if a little kid behind me starts kicking the seat sounds amazing

At that point just do first class and get the included alcohol, foot rubs, and whatever else goes on there.

I'd rather have the second seat and be sure I won't have anyone next to me tbh

What kind of take is this? Wanting to be crammed in with the unwashed masses, crying babies, and disgusting germ filled children staring at you through the crevice between the seats; when you could be sitting with real people and making the flight attendant cry after your steak comes medium instead of medium rare.

Spoken like someone whose never met the kind of "people" you meet in first class. I'd almost rather deal with the gremlins than the spoiler rich kids whose parents wouldn't lend them the jet and boomers on vacation you run into in first class

😴 What we really need is for them to tax passenger circumferences

Then dramacels would pay less since they have a tight bussy.

I gather that the average arrdramautists Bussy ain't all that tight more like a 🌬️🧦.

I wish plane tickets just cost $1 per lb

F*t "people"🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 should have been declared second class citizens long ago. A step in the right direction, at the very least.

So do I get a discount for being thin and beautiful?

And what's with all this "voluntary" shit?

Always having to treat Burgers like children with this "oh you don't have to do it if you don't want to".

Grow some balls and say "No, fatty. Get on the scale. READ THE NUMBERS OUT LOUD."


Rule 1: No fat chicks

Just don’t. America needs a day of reckoning when a plane crashes on the runway literally because the average burger is too fat.

Rona couldn't bring flights to a halt in murica but this measure just might.

On one hand I'm in favor this because it discrimitates against PoC (People of Cholesterol)

But on the other hand I don't like how it would enable foids and manlets to pay less

Airlines should charge by BMI, or better yet, some sort of score that combines bodyfat %, resting heart rate, and 1 rep clean max.


Burgers and Chinese shouldn't be allowed outside of their own countries.

