simianchokeautomatic comes back ranting about people of dark on the bird app

1  2021-05-19 by -dumbtube-


It’s about ethics in anime translation.

At the time of the kidnapping Brown was wearing an ankle monitor stemming from a separate arrest last month.

White people do sick shit like kill kids as well, but this particular part about committing a major crime while wearing an ankle monitor is uniquely Nubian

They wore chains for hundreds of years, if you think your mayonnaise ass is still entitled to restrict them with this sickening tactic, then I have bad news.

Lets not conflate African Americans with Nubians, the vast majority of the AAs are western African in origin, very far away from Nubia (now part of Egypt and Sudan).

Stop mansplaining

Unironically where's the lie?

but the reality is you are just FAT , stupid , hyper violent tribal morons who start killing and fucking each other at 13 years old.

Dividing Americans by race when describing fatness is disingenuous. Only the Han Asians aren't fat; but someday, they will be like their islander counterpart, and Americans will be united and eradicate the Leaf Menace finally.

Only the Han Asians aren't fat

My mother disagrees whenever she looks at me.

Well for starters, from reading about this case (at least as of yesterday) the entire thing is fishy.

Some guy had left his 2 kids with an ex-girlfriend and vanished, the family was looking for them, and the ex couldn't contact the dad.

The suspect went to school with the ex-girlfriends 18-year-old son.

I'm not jumping to conclusions as of yet, but I'd be not very surprised if this was some "get rid of these kids they aren't mine and I don't wanna take care of them" ruse.

The main reason I'm suspcious is the guy in question also randomly took some cash the first time, then came back. Almost like he was trying to make it look like a burglary of some sort gone wrong.

Saying this happens often, for one.

Um, that's not the lie, it does happen on an almost daily timescale, although its usually black people shooting their own.

Getting in a gunfight isn't on the same level as kidnapping, raping, and murdering a child.

Rape is an object entering your body without your consent. Dicks, knives, bullets, what's the difference?

eating is rape you were hungry so you couldn't consent

Whiteoids are fatter than knickers.

EDIT: Mayo Amerilards mad.

this is statistically incorrect.

Your whiteoid apologetics won't be tolerated here.

none of these things are going to happen. Because of a word that gets thrown around alot.


the word is called tolerance.




So that's what he wants to do with his life? Become a professional lolcow? Like CWC and Pizzashill?

time to go to bed and look at ifunny until 4pm

No: he will become a leader of men

Imagine being the person unironically posting all of that with an anime avatar.

oh you think this is his first rodeo

He can just use a VPN to keep making new accounts and doing this, right? I don't know how bird app works.

You dont even need a vpn unless you really fucked up lmao

oh lawd he posting


Wow. How is that still up lol.


Edit: Racist tirade was up for hours.


There's something entertaining about these rightoids when they sperg out on the big platforms. It takes me back to 2015-2016 when you'd see all those r-slurred alt-rightoid intellectuals longposting on youtube or birdapp.

This is very good

things like sports (ruined now by blacks). Music (ruined by blacks)

Even if he had you until this point I don't see how anyone could agree with this

The only way I could possibly see sports being ruined by black people is if you say sports have gotten political because of BLM. But black music has unironically made white music better in every way except country music. Adding early 2000s rap beats to songs about drinking in a corn field made an objectively bad genre even worse.

The 70's-90's had some fantastic black music. Can't say I've appreciated many since other than Kanye.

This is good.

People of Melanin are literally incapable of being bad because slavery, Ch*dcel.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. simianchokeautomatic comes back ran... -,*

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It’s like Uncle Ruckus ate a thesaurus

There is not nearly enough irony in these comments. Don't make them close it just as soon as they open it 😠

seriously I couldn't comment before and now I can but now its just agendaposting 😴

Is this the guy who went on an unhinged rant because of "sus"?


average mdefugee
