Bide44n jokes he will run over reporter asking about Israel-Gaza violence

1  2021-05-19 by cassiorolex


Jews did this


  1. Bide44n jokes he will run over repo... -,*

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Lmao goddammit snappy

Holy shit snappy!


On point

Jposting on a Jpost post! truly a sentient being!

snappy wtf

The rock is becoming sedimentary.

Snappy is aiming for that free helicopter ride, I see.

IDF strike on reddit servers for possibly harboring Hamas please 🙏


Hold your horses, big fella. You're flying too close to the sun.

oh god oh fuck snappy's unleashing xer power level.

Who knew AI could Vibrate back


Good bot


la baza y pildora roja

"Mr. President, can I ask you a quick question about Israel before you drive away, since it is very important?" a reporter asked. 

"No, you can't – not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it. I'm only teasing," Biden said, with laughter heard in the background. The president then drove away.

Damn ngl DDD looking real dramatic lately.

>Mr. President, what are your thoughts on children being bombed.

>I'm gonna run you over haha JK

Doesn't get better than that.

That's an appropriate response

Yeah, its not like they're American or Israeli children.

journos btfo yet again



The virgin DDR dementia fueled ramble vs the Chad DDD open death threat.

Now, watch this drive.

What good of a president is he if he's not even hitting the links smh 🙄

The only funny part of this is that the reporters laugh it off when they would've shit their panties if Trump said the same.

The wholesome part of this is Biden threatening to murder reporters because now he is speaking my language and even though he has sex with children I can forgive him for a second and celebrate our similarities.

Trump would babble on though, he never knows when to leave a room.

DDD has the comedic timing like Reagan. That's all it takes to charm these losers

Shut the fuck up white boy


"No, you can't – not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it. I'm only teasing," Biden said, with laughter heard in the background. The president then drove away.


WASHINGTON—Taking advantage of the warm spring weather Monday, Vice President Joe Biden parked his 1981 Tr*ns Am in the White House driveway, removed his undershirt, and spent a leisurely afternoon washing the muscle car and drinking beer.

It really is a shame you have to censor the brand name of an iconic car just because of too many children on the internet.

Shapeshifter Am

king shit

Caitlyn Jenner <--- running over chuds - - -> Daddy Joe.

Left / right unity.

"US President Joe Biden showed his characteristic humor"

When has Biden ever been funny other than when his dementia kicks in like addressing that union worker as "Fat" for a name?

Lmao why is she acting like she was assaulted

Can't rationalize why she was turned on by it 🐶🧠

What does it mean to come out for marriage?

Biden was one of the first major politicians to support gay marriage

Oh shit I love biden now

That's my president 😎

The Biden presidency would be so much better if he didn’t have handlers limiting his boomer dementia outbursts

Fuck Palestine.



I bet the lefties are so fucking mad about this lol

Blinken better take notes, cause our new daddy doesn't care how many journalists died.

Based, I'm ridin' with him.

He rocks


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We call them trains now.


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