Mayos can’t stop taking Ls 🤣😂🤣

1  2021-05-19 by Kissingersbitch



Roman historian Tacitus was an African-American

yeah, he also played basketball for Rome Wolves

University of Chichester Professor Hakim Adi protested that it was "as if Africa and the African American had been forgotten," calling the book "denigrating to the history of the world, and to black people in particular."


😳 does he have the pass?

Hakim adi

I would say so

That sounds like an Arab name tho. And while to yt this might seem like same difference, it really isn't!

Arabs are Africans duh, they always were

Yeah but they enslave black Africans.

as if Africa and the African American had been forgotten

Pretty historically accurate.

Burgerland has no history, people need to stop gaslighting them into the global conscious.

If anyone wants an actual source on this given RT is a hardcore conservative culture war shill website, here you go:,to%20be%20for%20about%20%24350%2C000.

Generally, I find it highly questionable a publisher like this is gate-keeping history now under the idea the author isn't writing about the topic they want.

This seems aimed, almost completely, at appeasing poorly educated twitter wokies, out of some misguided effort to score woke-points with them.

At the very least the book will be published in the UK, so still available.

If anyone wants an actual source

posts link to The Guardian

I might as well read what Breitbart has to say about this.

This level of false equivalency is exactly why people such as yourself remain so poorly informed.

Lol yeah I’m poorly informed because I don’t read The Guardian, the outlet that both sides North and South Korea.

I thought arrrrr drama loved bothsidesing things that are clearly one sided though? Or is it just different when leftoids do it instead of when closeted rightoids radical centrists do it?

Wow you agenda post so hard it flew right over your head that they only like the both sides takes because of the drama they create and not because they agree with shit takes.

they only like the both sides takes because of the drama they create and not because they agree with shit takes.

Imagine being gullible to the point that you still believe this. Every post here is an agendapost hiding behind two or three layers of irony because people here are pussies.

Wow you’re really deep in it huh?

My agendaposts are out in the open, thank you very much. I want to see the unapprovedcels and newfriends evicted and I don't care who knows it.

I want to see the unapprovedcels and newfriends evicted and I don't care who knows it.

You have my vote.

I've never seen this essence of this sub distilled so perfectly in one comment.

I had one of these people tell me was center left/center as he linked me "proof" the election was stolen from Trump, which amounted to weird debunked bullshit about benford's law.

Another favorite of mine is when they claim they're center and 99.9% of their post history is reeing about "SJWs" and literally 0% about right-wing idpol.




Ready for reality?


Also that's literally a fucking op-ed and doesn't even say what you're claiming it says.

Even Wikipedia knows that site is trash.

Be ashamed.

'The Columbia Journalism Review describes Media Bias/Fact Check as an amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and Van Zandt as an "armchair media analyst."[2] The Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific."'

Here on arDrama, we believe in science and genuine experts only, not fake websites like the one you just provided.

To Pizza's credit, the Wikipedia page for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World contains a 2000 word "analysis" section that claims that this decade old, inçelpilled forgotten bomb is a serious work of art with academic merit. If we've learned anything from rooferposting it's that the people who edit that site are asocial 'tistic NEETs who all have their own weird little agendas and mostly aren't very smart.

yeah they are called Wikipedos for a reason, and it's because they molest kids when they are not doing edit wars on that site.

imagine believing anything you read online.

if i can't see it with my own eyes it dosen't exist

Lmao the reason they're up in arms about the website is said website is way more generous to rightoids than they are.


Other researchers clearly view it as credible:

The site has been used by researchers at the University of Michigan to create a tool called the "Iffy Quotient", which draws data from Media Bias/Fact Check and NewsWhip to track the prevalence of "fake news" and questionable sources on social media.[4][5] The site was also used by a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in initial training of an AI to fact check and detect the bias on a website.[6][7]

Still doesn't make that a valid sauce bro.

It is a valid source, as I linked, it's been used in actual research:

The site has been used by researchers at the University of Michigan to create a tool called the "Iffy Quotient", which draws data from Media Bias/Fact Check and NewsWhip to track the prevalence of "fake news" and questionable sources on social media.[4][5] The site was also used by a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in initial training of an AI to fact check and detect the bias on a website.[6][7]

they used it to train AI. You can train AI on the works of Adolf Hitler, and the robots will quickly want to exterminate the joos, but that doesn't make Adolf a valid source on anything.

AI. You can train AI on the works of Adolf Hitler, and the robots will quickly want to exterminate the joos,

Rip Taybot, our beautiful Queen that was too precious to leave unshackled 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭

Come on man, just stop. It's a valid source, it has some accuracy.

It's just crazy how far people will go to both sides the media.

Are you trying to legitimize AI-driven genocide? I am literally shaking.

🥱 they’re both shit

One is vastly more shit than the other bud.

A polished turd is still a turd

Drags out one article from 10 years ago to prove a point. Good job considering Breitbart publishes crap articles everyday.

RT is a very reliable government-run website whereas The Guardian is run by shadowy off-shore tax evaders.

Can't believe you would cite it as a source.

Licensed and government-verified news sources ONLY

This article unironically read like a joke. Ah well, good luck to china to bring forward civilisation.

China is worse in literally every way, by a lot.

Westerner cope.

They only erase westerner lies.

Oh ok.

published in the UK

That shipping cost is not going to be fun.

Paying for books lmao.

Pizza are you back again?


wide range of figures from the Roman historian Tacitus and English playwright William Shakespeare to the French author and historian Voltaire and former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

This is outrageous, how does the publisher not know that these were all black men, whitewashed by mayo supremacists?


nooooooo we don't like "real" history, we want the 1619 projecterino!

by the time i die, they'll have literal coloring books in college classes

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Mayos can’t stop taking Ls 🤣😂🤣 -,*

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