Problematic palefaced person-of-rape claims his kind are no longer allowed to speak, person-of-media expresses skepticism at this, immediately tells him to stop speaking

1  2021-05-19 by PM_ME_UR_YARMULKE


“I’m not joking. It really will get there. It’s that crazy,” Rogan said, without evidence, on his podcast that gets downloaded about 200 million times a month.

Oh he had no evidence for his speculation? Maybe that’s why it’s called speculation? These journocels are raging in their seethe for Rogan.

The jealousy in that final line is so palpable that I can now only taste salt.

I feel like there's a new outrage over something Joe Rogan says every week. How many time has this dude tried be canceled on twatter again?


Can you translate that to English?

No. Your so-called "English" is the language of demons, Yakub, and tricknology.

In the name of Wallace Fard Muhammad (pbuh), YOU HAVE TO GO BACK (to Patmos)

person of recording talking, previous person of situational comedy, says men of cum colored skin are not safe to do talking


I cant read this freedompaper in EU

Nor should you

lol you can tell the author of this article was soyraging the entire time he was writing it.

Can you make a good comedy movie anymore, or have they made it so
dangerous in terms of being canceled, that comedy movies are no longer
something you can do

He could've stopped before the first comma and then been correct.

For the first time in recorded history, a span of more than 1.1 million days if one were to go back to 1000 BCE, words words words

Rogan, a straight white man who received $100 million dollars to speak freely despite words x3

By David Matthews

With a name like that, I'd be seething too.

He’s just jealous of the superior Dave Matthews, who is unironically an African American mayo man.

claims his kind arent allowed to speak

Joe Rogaine is a person of ape, a representative of the silenced millions of non human bipedal animals. This person of media needs to check his homosapien privilege immediately and stop oppressing POAs