In an effort to reach across the aisle, DDD has his own Jeb! moment as he tells navy cadets to "please clap".

1  2021-05-19 by busslordlowkeybussin


Hey look if it makes it through this term, he can find a job as a navy hypeman in the 2024 Sino-Burger wars.

I thought we are bombing Russia (?)

This is the most lucid I’ve ever seen Biden

Adrenochrome takes a few months to start workin.

My bad Coast Guard cadets*

that does make it better, he rightfully assumed they do not have the capacity for independent thought

If we ever get to the point where our coasts are directly threatened I will already be begging for mercy from daddy Xi

Biden: Please clap.

common fat! clap!

Didn’t he already have one of these years ago “clap for that you stupid bastards” or something along those lines

The American people need to come together and stop voting for people over the age of 70. It's elder abuse at this point, listening to DDR or DDD ramble on about whatever is bothering them.

Problem is that voting is based on who you have actually heard and the most famous candidates have built that recognition over a long time making them as old as fuck.

At least he doled out some bantz before that line, instead of !Jeb's pathetic pleading.

Ddd is pure cringe lol. Why leftoids do this to themselves? 😂😂

I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


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Come on man, listen here fat. If you cant clap for that j..joke know the thing!

I cant wait to have 2 years of George Bush gaffs fused with dementia