Sarah Silverman wades into the Arab-Israeli conflict by turning on the Israeli government. Jewish Twitter instantly turns on her.

1  2021-05-19 by busslordlowkeybussin


What the fuck even is “generational trauma” bitch this isn’t assassins creed

its new economy.

invent your source of income, create your own ladder out of poverty,


not everyone can be onlyfans clown. or instagram panhandler.

I don't know if it was supposed to mean something else originally, but Twitter uses it as another way to claim victim points because it turns out bad things happened in the world before you were born

Edit: googled it, it's basically how kids inherit their ancestor's emotional baggage.

Go to war>beat your kids>they beat their kids>they beat their kids>their kids become blue check freaks.


This is 90% of celebrities after getting woke-scolded.

That's when you gotta play the non-binary card and rally the LGBT+ community behind you. Literally can't fail. I'll never forget the Spacey move and how lazily he pulled it off.

I don't know what kind of kabbalah magic she does, but it must be powerful. She tops my fuckable 50s list

Interesting that she uses the magic to make people like you want to fuck her, rather than to make herself actually attractive.

-someone I wouldn't let babysit my sons

They're probably not as sexy as you think they are, either.

Would you let Sarah babysit your sons? Idk about your soyboy sons but my virile sons would seduce her and idk if I'm ok with that. She's 50 after all.

Of course I would. It's okay if a hot girl molests your sons

You don't have any sons or else you would be concerned about them simping to ethots.

I have 16 sons with 5 different women, please don't pretend that you know me.



Her rack is almost on the same level as Abby Shapiro's.

She had a nude floating around for a bit. She's built like a refrigerator. It's weird.

Curse you for making me look up gussy 🤮

Wtf, that hip to stomach to shoulder curve is straight off a dude. Secret 🚂 perhaps??? 😳

Have you seen Take This Waltz...



You’re so wrong my man

Alexa, redpill me on "adrenochrome"

If adrenochrome was at all useful you could buy it in the nearest supermarket over the counter, because Capitalism is good at this kind of shit.

Doesn't it have to be harvested from a child's brain tho, don't think western capitalism is there yet. Maybe in China.

Dude, we can synthesize shit to make cells produce proteins directly, just mrna, no intermediates. It's literally programming at this point. Surely it should be possible to produce a relatively simple molecule from gmo yeast.

No, internet experts tell me it has to come from the blood of tortured babies during a satanic Clinton/Soros spirit cooking session or it won't taste right

He's now just as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside.

Dumbass, adrenochrome isn't even a protein.

Dumbass, adrenochrome isn't even a protein.


I saw the episode of Seinfeld the other night where she dates Kramer. Man has she aged well.

I guess today is the day for celebrities who angered twatter to make up for it by posting stuff for attention.

Translation: "I'm a GOOD Jew! Don't hit ME, hit those bad Zionists over there!"

Fukken kapos

Please some chosen dramautist on Twitter hit her with a a kapo blast

And the police are going after the Palestinians? Racism is power + prejudice and the Palestinians have no power.

ME shit aside, can anyone actually say they thought she was funny?

Is there a LoveFor🅱️asedRael yet?

🏴‍☠️/loveforsettlers, 🏴‍☠️/loveforIDF, &🏴‍☠️/laughingatpalestine

Got y’alled a year ago. Try the other subs mentioned

Jews really can't catch a break. The environment they have help created has once again turned on them.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Sarah Silverman wades into the Arab... -,*

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