Chapos in Stupidpol tried to get admins to y'all me but the truth was on my side. A story in 3 Acts.

1  2021-05-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Chapos in Stupidpol tried to get ad... -,*

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Snappy spitting facts 🥶🥶

I love it every time when suddenly everybody becomes an expert on the middle east, its society and its history.

After evaluating all the necessary information dispassionately, they'll pick a side, because that's one's supposed to do, right?

The only information necessary:

Brown good

Wh*te bad

If both brown, whichever side darker good.

The official r/Drama policy on everything




They tried to get me for defending a marginalized community :(

I like stupidpol, but holy shit have they gone off the deep end over the latest Israel-Palestine happenings.

I like stupidpol,


Within every idpoltard is a leftoid dying to get out.

It used to be good. Back when there were less than 1000 people posted and the chapós didn’t have a say.

It's the 🚂 posting that did it for me. The 2020 elections really did a number on that sub.

Are they still simping for capitalism masquerading as communism using Ford-era workforce aesthetic over there? They'll always be that in my heart.

Yes, that entire reddit is just "marxists" in denial about how rightoid they are.

Did they interpret "you can get" as a threat? 😭

My guess is that people mass reported it as hate speech which triggers Reddit's anti-evil bot to temporarily ban people. Once the banned user shows the comment in question to an actual human being the ban is lifted.

From our (mod team) experience it’s based more on content not reports. Possibly keyword matching.

Not cool. Stupidpol was better when the Chapo containment sub was still a thing. A true stupidpolster wouldn't report you like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that Hodor.

Wh*te Bitmoji *scary+



the Rightoids in denial... Err.. * idpol hating marxists* on there.

"DAE blax suck???" is every anti-idpol post on there

I see myself as someone who's center right on most issues.. But most of the time I'm like "lol goddamn, y'all are waaaay further right than I am and still pretending you're marxists"


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