🔔-curve trigger warning! The NFL thinks a certain demographic only deserve three fifths of the compensation the others get, for banging their skulls off each other over and over again for years.

1  2021-05-20 by SandorClegane_AMA


Europoor football: players walk off because the Romanian word for a color sounds like bad English one

American football: DESPITE...

Well.....this is a touchy topic.

I'm still bitter James Watson lost his academic standing and stripped of his honorary titles because of his beliefs. Even if he is wrong, that doesn't take away from his enormous accomplishments with DNA.

I've lost a lot of trust and respect for academia thanks to that incident.

THAT was your first major problem with academia

fucking lol

Dr. Watson adds that he takes no pleasure in “the difference between blacks and whites” and wishes it didn’t exist. “It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics,” he says. (His son Rufus was diagnosed in his teens with schizophrenia.) Dr. Watson continues: “If the difference exists, we have to ask ourselves, how can we try and make it better?”

Why is this controversial? He literally wants everyone on equal footing? Why would he get "canceled" for this?

Even suggesting that any one race has characteristics that would make them "inferior" to another is one of the ultimate taboos in our society.

But black people are obviously better at football and basketball, how can people even question this?

For the Same reason that the catholic church threatened to torture Galileo Galilei for saying that the earth revolved around the sun.

It's how it's ok to say Ashkenazi Jews and certain SE Asians have higher IQs than whites on average , but you're not allowed to address the other side of the bell curve.

Maybe because he's straight up saying that being black is a mental disability lol

When the most famous geneticist of all time has an opinion you don't have any solid evidence to refute. You have to set an example.

Forbidden science 😳

We were talking about the NFL, so I was blindsided as to how Jameis Winston contributed to human understanding of the world, and what he did and who he raped to have his reputation tarnished

He said it should be okay to abort gay babies if we could test for homosexuality, that melanin makes people more horny and that's why "Latin lovers" are a thing, and that Africans are genetically dumber than whites therefore we shouldn't use policy that assumes they're equal to whites.

The NFL is going to require cognition tests for all players coming if this argument isn’t allowed, 1 billion dollars paid out because 75% of their player base is an entire standard deviation away from the other 25% is not going to make them want to allow the guy who only graduated because the coach begged enough play football with them. Maybe the NFL will finally look like the 70s again

coach begged

More like coach blackmailed the school.

I don't know how this will affect the NFL, but I can see this as incoming drama. So I welcome it.

lol Blackmail? the schools are complicit. Look now UNC devalued their degree to save the basketball team.

I meant that as in the coach has the upper hand in the equation here.

Like you have said. It is the school that has to beg the coach and the team to stay, instead of the other way around.

The NFL already does Wonderlics which may be why they think they have a fighting chance though the default is that anything that makes blacks score less is wrong/racist.

It doesn't even mean blacks as a whole are inferior just that positions that have smarter players like O-line and QB have more white players than dumb positions like RBs. but then again that also brings up the fact that their are more elite black athletes which is another nono.

The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


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Wrong type of curve snappy

ALAB did an episode on this

All Landlords Are Based

NFL staying true to Founding Fathers.

1 billion seems low given health care costs and what not. That's fucked up regardless and seems like a stretch. Hope these guy's get what's owed to them.


They know their audience and know this won’t hurt them much.

The NFL has the most balance audience of any American sport leaning wise its the biggest and has the widest net.

I still don’t think this will touch their ratings much if at all. Knowing their audience will be ambivalent is still part of knowing their audience.
