Masterlawlz after he he gets his covid passport so that he can “travel for fun”

1  2021-05-20 by Llamayoda


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Masterlawlz after he he gets his co... -,*

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... lawlz? Is that you?

based schizoposter

Nah, I checked their facebook page. They're still working on bridges and roads at the moment. It's going to take a few weeks to get the milking facilities set up.

This is the most staged staged photo I've ever seen staged.

edit: omfg one of the guys is holding a drill that doesn't even have a drill bit


I also like the dude whose trying to saw the end of the plank of wood, on uneven ground, as they are trying to place it into the ground.


Are you the idiot that commented on it

Lol that was me

Nah. I don't have a Facebook account that I use

Why is that person sanding a board??

I hope they’re successful in what they do. Self segregation is one of the best outcomes for Floyd Americans with the way things are going

Don’t they already

Why cant he just go visit Thailand?


I thought you needed to enter the country to be on that list.

Damn when did Master Lawlz get jacked. What kind of program you on homie?

Remember folks, don't start a separatist compound without construction skills.