Impersonating a Property Owner, a Man Paid an Artist to Paint a Cookie Monster Mural in Peoria.

1  2021-05-20 by snallygaster


There's not a whole lot going on in Peoria otherwise, I suspect.

clearly not. this is a top-tier mystery though, and the property owner's meltdown is hilarious.

The world needs more mundane mystery.

He's so fucking mad about his building becoming what was probably the most interesting thing in town for free

Massive understatement.

This is some good shenanigans. None of it makes any sense. Maybe someone wanted to do some kind of Banksyesque thing to put Peoria on the map.

Blessed is the mind that can even conceive of putting Peoria on the map.

It seems like the kind of place whose main exports are depression and meth addicts. I guess if you combine those two with boredom and remove starting fires for attention, some strange shenanigans is the only possibility left.

Akshwallay it’s Caterpiller tractors 🚜

So... Detroit?

Maybe not so much now, but it used to be famous for being literally the most average city in America.

If this isn't a promotional stunt of some kind I'll eat my hat

Hmm, I didn't consider the angle that the landlord was in on it. That would be kind of weird given that it was an empty building and makes him look like a grouchy asshole, but who knows. I suspect it was kind of like the Encinitas surfing Madonna, the guy who made it just went out with a truck and a small crew to install it over a weekend. They had PPE and taped the spot off and nobody questioned it until days later. The best part is that, while the city eventually took it down, they gave it back to the artist, so he just stuck it to a private building a little ways down the street.


Maybe they'll follow up with an Oscar mural. Gotta think about the long game.

Hmm, I didn't consider the angle that the landlord was in on it.

He painted over it

Landlord may not have been. Artist has an excuse

Looks like a promo for a Godzilla vs Cookie Monster movie.

By whom, though? The property owner comes off as a sincerely angry douche, the artist would be committing a property crime if it was orchestrated by him, and who would even care to self-promote in Peoria?

it being a prank on a completely random property would be hilarious

reality is usually more boring tho

I really enjoy soviet propaganda art and its application in modern times. But i cant help laugh at the irony of the rainbow in this context.

Peace, Land, Cookies

The real owner comes off like an asshole. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a prank that someone knew would piss him off for revenge

I'm leaning in that direction too- maybe it's a rival landlord or business owner with a grudge and exquisite taste.