😳 Apparently I’ve "violated Reddit’s rule against promoting hate in the following content:

1  2021-05-20 by KissingerFanGirl


I got banned for saying cyclists aren't people. Literally a statement of fact.


A fate worse than death.


that doesn't include ... mental health.

And that's a good thing. I can see the argument for why everyone benefits from public medicine but taxpayers shouldn't be paying $200 an hour for mayo fo*ds to talk about their feelings.


Huh? Leafs are like the peak of mayo 'evolution'. Or are you saying they are so bad that they became a new species?

Their heads literally detach from their bodies when they talk, they're not people.

We're Asian, bigot.




Change it to 'White Canadians" and you'll be fine

Unironically true


Alhamdulillah we shall soon rid ourselves of these C*nadian vermin

This but unironic...

I just finished my 3 day ban for totally ironically saying “abolish white women”. That being said, I will probably get banned for typing this again

Obviously the problem was the irony.


Abolish white men


You'd probably be safer if you added the word biological in there.

Thankfully bussybois can stay


They should have executed you and your entire family for being such a fslur on the internet. Crying about sharing evidence like you're a fucking lawyer

How could I, a Redditor, ever be anything but right? My argument was flawless, as always. Everyone else is wrong, not me.

Get bullied, nerd.

This site has been shit for years, unfortunately. How about just letting every subreddit set their own rules? Dont like the rules, dont subscribe. When did these wonderful internet companies decide it was their job to control every thought and narrative?

When did these wonderful internet companies decide it was their job to control every thought and narrative?

I unironically blame Drumpf for this. Overmoderation wasn't normal before 2017. It developed as Silicon Valley's coping mechanism re: journos doing such a shitty job of fact-checking DDR (looking at you, CNN). In lock step with the GOP, leftoids' insanity and absolute paranoia has grown exponentially. Now it's the new McCarthyism, but instead of ruining "pinkos," they're canceling "rightoids."

you clearly are an internet babyboi bitch if you think over zealous moderation is a recent phenomenon.

I don't even know how one could get banned from 2016 Reddit without also committing felonies

back in my day I got banned for tagging posts that reached all with spoilers for Star Wars, capeshit, and wandshit movies

I learned how to use dark net markets solely from reddit.

Hell, I remember the first guy who caught a sitewide IP ban.

Who was that? Violentacrez?

I'm like 70% sure it was a power jannie that pissed off the paid jannies and got y'alled repeatedly until he left for good.

you weren't cool enough


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Autojannie you are malfunctioned worse than a new york politician

Whatever you think of him, i have never seen a man take a greater amount of abuse from the press and not care. I think thats what did it. The problem is now no one trusts the media except for white liberals.

This site has been shit for years, unfortunately.

Yep, since about 2005.

When did these wonderful internet companies decide it was their job to control every thought and narrative?

When they realized perception is everything, and it's dirt cheap to guide the web


i think in their minds that's what the report button is doing


Your comment has been removed because it contained a bad word. The word was faggot. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep /r/drama safe.

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Day of the rake. 🔜

imagine having a fucking leaf on your flag

It’s unironically the worst national flag in the world

"What's interesting and different about our country?"

They came up with a fucking tree.

a graphic description of a baby seal being clubbed would also be a good choice

A tree is at least 50 times better. Its tall. It provides food, lumber, shade, syrup and oxygen.

A single leaf provides fuck all.

See: Lebanon.


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Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim you will soon receive your punishment as a lackey of the accursed überjannies and their campaign of demonic restrictions


So this sub constantly posts disparaging comments on all walks of life, but it is the comment against the Canadians that got you? Curious...

It wasn't on this sub. It was on arrr laughingatpalestinians and it made some Canadian lolcow upset.

Guess that leaf couldn't take the bants as well as he could give it.


I've always wondered how often this happens, especially on mobile keyboards

I got banned for talking about the incel to train pipeline. Madmins trying to cover up the truth.

Never apologise for telling the truth 😤

What's wrong with that phrase?


Eh! The Americans know, shut it down!

The shut it down meme is 👌

How can truth be against Reddit's rules?


I said "ACAB" to one of those creatures and he apologized. It was absolutely disgusting.

As a leaf you can have a C-word card if you send me $5 in cashapp. Just don't use the hard R, that's ours.

Unfortunately I am a C-word myself. 🤮🤮🤮

Well you're a fan of Kissinger so that's a given.

Yikes sweatie Kissingerphobia is the hallmark of a Chapo.

Hahahahah, try again, sweaty.

Link to your favourite Kissinger song?

Idk any, my name is just redditor ragebait.

Open your border so we can get some poutine and Kinder eggs ffs.

Carnadian? 🤔

I got banned for saying Saudi Arabia executes homosexuals. Literally just said that, no slurs or dogwhistles. Ban was lifted but still silly

The offending material, too lazy to censor names


temporarily permabanned

They probably banned you for being a r-slur

I was permabanned initially.. Then I bitched and they unbanned me lol.

Weird, I've posted hateful things against French, German and Bri'ish "people" in the last week and never received a warning. I only got one for defending Israel.

Based and maple pilled 🍁

Canada does have a proud BIPOC leader, so if you criticize canadians you criticize their kang 😤


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