The blue bird is going to let all of us have checkmarks again!

1  2021-05-20 by inquirer


Putting your real name on twatter is as dumb as doing it on Reddit. Probably more so on twatter because it’s a doxxing platform.

Mark of the beast

Probably more so on twatter because it’s a doxxing platform.

That alone is enough to keep me off twatter. It is funny to see would be doxors get doxxed tho

Who’s eligible?

Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals

What the fuck does that even mean?

I took out my trash today, does that make me an activist?

Why the fuck would anyone want to give "influencers" extra attention?


Inb4 introduction of extra special yellow star for journos.

One can dream 😍

We need to discuss the (((journos))) question.

when the revolution came they went door to door with an iPhone


Tweet others how they want to be Tweeted

I cringed. Not, like, “oh that’s cringe bro,” I was sitting in a chair and physically moved my body in a cringing motion.

Im sure the real names of undesirables wont be "leaked" by "accident" one day.
