Guess which sub by overlap πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

1  2021-05-21 by Llamayoda


Feline Destruction System?

ding ding ding ding

Help i m breaking down.... Can't muster it....

Take your meds

That's some femcel type shit.

As someone that was fat as fuck and slimmed down and have a hot GF, just FUCKING LOSE WEIGHT YOU FAT FUCKING AMERICAN PIG

I get it food is addictive. Master yourself with religion and discipline, you fat fucking american pigs with the average BMI of what a 20 to 30 year old is 25+?

USA Potato/Corn/Beef FAMINE NOW!

The swollen corpulent burger shall inherit the earth -Matthew 5:5

inspin is the new, hip word by the zoomers

Zoomers aren’t all bad

FDS obviously

Either fds or some creepy male feminist subreddit


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This could be any one of 500 different wokie subs.


Try something harder, see how well people here really know their degenerate niche communities.

That's also easy, Chiraqology or however it's spelled.

These fairly niche subs are actually super easy to guess, the rap and chicago are dead giveaways here, as was the focus on women and dating in OP. It's much harder to guess a huge sub, the overlaps are lot more vague.

Fair enough, I guess I was banking on chiraqology being relatively obscure. Try these ones:

Gotta love the overlap of a gaming cirlejerk sub with commie seeth subs. Nothing says "workers of the world unite" quite like s33thing about a game not allowing a dude to wear a dress or whatever

Somehow I don't think this is the future poor Samuel Gompers envisioned.

Not sure what the first one is but the second one could literally be any shitlib sub. Id guess gamingcirclejerk though.

First one's piratehole. You're right on the money with the second.

Why the fuck are pirates so into crossdressing?!?

There’s no women on the seas laddie πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ˜”πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

My best guess? GenZeDoofus



Looks like that PPPLoan sub is filled with scammers.

Today I saw a loseit post where a witch was bragging about losing 6 lbs in 7 weeks, and made sure to mention that they made room in their diet for a glass or two of wine to enjoy while nude every night.

a witch


is it a model train hobby sub?

I've never heard of married at first sight before lmao, that's a first πŸ’€

American Horror Story

I thought witches vs patriarchy was a train platform, and fds was basically terfs, why do they like it so much?


I knew you didn't kill yourself!

Please don’t tell anyone. Tbh I’m trying to kinda lay low right now.

I don't know but it's a white womxn so it's not worth wasting your time with that


