Psychiatrist tells people to cure their sadbrains

1  2021-05-21 by Kilo_G_looked_up


Culturally value weakness and people become unwilling to conquer their own

First thing psychiatrists tell you when you are diagnosed with depression is to fix your sleep schedule because it's fucking up your synapses. Anyone who's been diagnosed with depression knows about brain chemistry and serotonin/dopamine/Norepinephrine yet these zoomers guffaw at the term.

I shouldnt eat fast food, get no exercise, smoke weed and jack off to trains porn till 3am?

Wow bro 🏴‍☠️thanksimcured


Your reports only make me stronger.


Lack of sleep is one of those things that can really fuck you mentally and physically. We don't fully understand why, but we do know that restful sleep is vital for key brain functions. Chronic acute sleep deprivation can easily lead to depression, among other issues.

Hell, the classic meth head doing crazy shit is almost always due to a lack of sleep and less the drug itself. Everytime you hear about a meth head smacking their dicks against invisible police dogs it always comes out that they had been without sleep for several days prior.


Ok for real both sides to this debate are equally annoying. They are both just throwing redditisms every which way.

Honestly anyone who wants to be an oncologist should have to do a full treatment of dacarbazine and have a gamma knife kill a hunk of flesh.

I think people on that sub do make good points about how psychiatrists prescribe drugs without fully understanding the side effects, but a lot of people take it too far and say that there should be no medication at all.

words words words

I'm not reading all that, I come here for drama, not to read a n*val

Treatments is always more laudanum.

Laudanum is love. Laudanum is life.

If you have laudanum, you don’t need no other


I need to know which schizo sub that is

(words words words)e+006

No 👀posting or anything? This place is so cucked

I really don't know what the admins' deal is. They have so many bizarre rules unique to us, but they never bother to just ban the sub.
