CNN, a television channel popular in US airports, fired one of their own for tweeting "The world today needs a Hitler"

1  2021-05-21 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


You can bet that it is either a Hindu or a Muslim who could both say this while also being employed by CNN.

Either way, it don't protect you from god's chosen, sweety~ ;)

god's chosen

Whenever people use this term, I feel slighted. I'm one of (((them))) and the only thing I got chosen for was messy shits.

Yeah unironically why do people think Jews are the master race. They’re just allergic to everything and constantly sound like they’re on the verge of tears.

Because if you open a history book every major scientific contribution was done by a stein or a berg. Also cause the bible says they’re literally God’s chosen people.

I wish irl fishing was this easy.

Yeah unironically why do people think Jews are the master race. They’re just allergic to everything and constantly sound like they’re on the verge of tears.

Cause high anxiety + high intelligence + a love for transgressive behavior is a recipe for disaster with the goys normal people usually in time of crisis through history.

T. Not joo , but schizo master race reporting in

For your fishing problem, Jesus hadn't any just sayin'😎, do you check the moon phases before fishing ? 🎣

Theses slippery fuckers love the full moon.,either%20side%20of%20the%20planet.

T. Not joo , but schizo master race reporting in

Fun fact, as an Ashkenazi Jew we have a specific gene that predisposes us to mental illnesses like schizophrenia!

Variations of the DNST3 gene make Ashkenazi Jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.

Yeah saw my fair share of (white) jews in the psy yards but they had the Chad schizo form (hallucination of the devil/monsters, voices) , completely unable to talk normally but with only jewish esoteric metaphors about how they got there.

mizrahi joos are basically arabs and lack that mad neurotic genius of eastern Europeans Ashkenazis. They try their best but it isn't the same vibe between us fam

Yeah I got hit with bipolar and I'm probably still one of the more sane ones.

I swear we're all fucking crazy.

every major scientific contribution was done by a stein or a berg.

Germans truly are the master race.


Fyi: Stein = rock, berg = small mountian.

Goldberg = mountian of gold.

Christians weren't allowed to give out loans, so Jews filled out that niche. Turns out that is not only a highly lucrative career, but makes you hated. Given that they were a minority on top of that, the rest is history.

Yup this is the correct answer. Same with media/entertainment, it was an unoccupied niche until Jewish people filled it. Dunno why people think that's somehow "scheming" or something.

Its kinda like how you say, you dont want to eat your last slice of pizza cause you want to be courteous. But then your manlet little brother with terrible OCD takes the slice instead of playing polite. You cockblocked yourself and it pisses you off.

I took a Jewish history course back in uni and it's all fuzzy now but I vaguely remember something about Protestants not being fans of motion pictures when they first became a thing so Jews sort of just moved in and made it theirs.

Same, I took a course on the holocaust and that was a major point we kept coming back to. The fact that Jews dominate the fields that they do is almost entirely due to the actions of the non-Jewish.

A good example is when the Jews were relocated to the ghettos during WWII. They were only allowed to bring what they could carry on them, which meant they couldn't bring anything that could help them succeed financially like agricultural equipment, livestock, or tools used for manual labor. Luckily, there was a way they could fit a lot of monetary value into carry-on baggage: gold. So a lot of Jews sold whatever assets they had for gold and brought that to the ghettos. That's a large part of why so many European Jews were merchants and the like, because that was the best way to get the most monetary value out of a carry-on bag.

Yup, nobody ever thought of working in media or entertainment until Jews stepped in to help the rest of us live a little. It’s so annoying that anti-semites don’t think about this obvious answer when they start ranting about overrepresentation among news media ownership and whatnot.

It’s so annoying that anti-semites don’t think about this obvious answer when they start ranting about overrepresentation among news media ownership and whatnot.

People don’t care, they do the same thing to blacks. No mayos wanted to do hard labour, and many of them were just not physically strong enough to go for hours and hours in the Southern heat the way black Africans could. But then claim they are lazy good for nothings when slave owners would “breed” strong slaves with other strong slaves to get super slaves.

Nice bait.

It's genuinely not bait, although I see how it sounds like it. I wasn't being sarcastic with the last sentence, people filling a societal niche is absolutely not scheming.

They're just mad they didn't think of it first.

In reality this is closer to a myth and basically debunked in terms of modern scholarship. Jews got the jump on goys with universal literacy, moved their entire pop out of agriculture/farming, and kicked out the ones who couldn’t hang with those two conditions. 80% of Jews were dropped from Jewry during this process.

Nobody thinks they are the master race apart from them. WTF.

Lol I think that's more just a fat-guy problem than a jew-guy problem.

You can have your latkes and still have your psyllium husk

But if I don't spend two hours on the toliet when will I get to browse drama?!




He's from Islamabad, that's all you need to know.

He can work in the same office as AP now.

He can be the Hamas-AP Journo Liaison.

This line always gets me. It's just like those Mainlanders who likes to being an absolute tool online, and started crying "why don't you respect my freedom, the value you Westerners protects" when people told him to piss off.

It's always those ding-dongs who likes to abuse the generosity we grant them, then complain about we're not committed enough to our generosity.

Do you think freedom is dumb?

Because that's a fucking hot take and goes against everything humanity up to this point has collectively learned but please educate me.


Do you think freedom is dumb?


Off to the camp with you then motherfucker

Get farted on

Too lazy to go to twitter, any leftoids defending him?


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