Amazon j*nnies shut down construction site because y'all can't behave

1  2021-05-22 by JimieWhales


“Hate, racism or discrimination have no place in our society and are certainly not tolerated by Amazon – whether at a site under construction like this one, or at one that we operate,” an Amazon spokeswoman, Kelly Nantel, said in a statement.

The worst part about the internet is watching soulless fucking ghouls like this that work for evil companies trying to virtue signal in the media.

They found out higher diversity lowers chances of unions forming, that’s why the megacorps suddenly found a heart.

wow how cynical

they also found it is a good marketing ploy.

people always leave out the digital marketing content managers, the most oppressed minority :(

Yeah, and the less homogenous the population of a country, the less interested people are in social welfare programs. Republicans really should be pushing hard for more immigration. Good times.

They used to in the 80s and 90s

They found out higher diversity lowers chances of unions forming

Wtf I love globohomo now!

I know the study you are talking about, the same study also found that minorities were more willing to unionize than white people but most of the places they were in were cities where the wages have to be higher, which made unionization efforts fail. Its more complicated than “diversity = less unions”.


They sure this is a racial issue and not just your average Amazon employee ensuring their safety after a 16 hour work day?

The actual reason amazon got the wagie cage patent

No low level Amazon worker works more than an 8 hour shift at a time

Thanks I'll make sure to change it as soon as I can (my keyboard is broken)

+1 hour waiting in line to get strip-searched or whatever before they can go home.

FBI special agent David Sunderberg said in a statement to local news station WTNH: “The implications of a hanging noose anywhere are unacceptable and will always generate the appropriate investigative response.”

Tying a knot is literally a crime in burgerland lmao

There was one time that some warehouse actually did get cancelled for having a "noose" that was literally a loading bay door pull

The famous Bubba Wallace Nascar NooseTM that to this day people think was some sort of racist attack, even when people showed images of other pull downs that looked the exact same going years back.

Someone found one from a race the prior year in the same garage. It was there.

God that was so annoying when nascar was Reddit’s new favorite pretend thing for a week.

I get it. I get they’d look into it. But the immediate tizzy that everyone threw was r-slurred

Of course, when something racist actually happens, you can never find these people...

Forgive me for being r-slurred but why else would somebody repeatedly hang nooses on the same site over a month? Seems pretty dedicated

Ropes are used to tie things up such as lumber, pipes, pretty much anything used for building. When you slide the rope off you’re left with a loop which race-obsessed people assume must mean the KKK is threatening black people. This is why so many of these “noose” incidents occur at construction sites.

I hate to be that guy but I am a sailor who owns the Ashley Book of Knots so here comes some Adderall-fueled KNOT SNEED:

Nooses are a type of knot that is only suitable for catching animals and executions. They are classified as a type of slip knot, which means that they easily construct around object. The problem is that they bind almost irreversibly, meaning once you put a noose under load, it's almost impossible to ever undo again. Slip knots are also unsuitable for carrying loads because if they don't bind under load, they will begin to slip open as the load on the knot decreases which is dangerous.

If rope is to be used to the up things such as lumber and pipes, a type of hitch knot is almost always used. Hitch knots massively outperform slip knots for really any construction purposes. For example, the Marlinespike Hitch can even hold onto tapered rods, which would normally be impossible to secure with a slip knot. Hitches can be reused, they don't cause damage to the object you are tying to, and are less likely to "capsize" (spontaneously fail) than nooses. Also they're WAY easier to tie and much better known in trades where knot-tying is important. You will never see a noose used for lifting, they're just not designed for that and are dangerous to use for this purpose.

So if someone did indeed tie a noose for lifting something on these sites, they're completely r-slurred.

Based. We need you to squash the pizza Adderall menace.

Holy fuck nerd

Yeah, I have a problem

You can choke master lawlz erotically with your rope any day

Whats more R-Slurred being a fucking Knot autist or the guy tying a knot that works well enough.


A noose and a noose are different things, a noose can be a loop of rope made by any kind of knot while a noose is a kind of slipknot but when people find nooses they mean the first kind of noose, most KKK types can't tie a proper noose.

If we're getting into symantics, then the first definition you give is actually of a loop knot, which does not necessarily close under load. Nooses are by definition slip knots. They have been recognized as such since the origin of the word "noose". Oxford dictionary also defined a noose as "​a circle that is tied in one end of a rope, with a knot that allows the circle to get smaller as the other end of the rope is pulled", which is a slip knot by definition.

Did you really think you could out-sneed ME?

The killing of Ahmaud Arbery taught construction foremen to hang things like nooses and job applications from trees to keep a certain demographic from visiting their work sites while out for a lil job.

Damn. Sounds effective but that's a wee bit fucked up

You know a department needs its budget cut when they are investigating this and not real crimes.

will always generate the appropriate investigative response

The appropriate response would be "why are you bother the FBI with this?" Wasting the time and resources of the bureau looking for someone who is smart enough to tie a knot, and therefore likely far more intelligent than your average government employee, seems more inappropriate to me.

I just realized that if I wanted to derail the actions of a major corporation all I would have to do is sneak into one of their facilities and put up some nooses. Think of the possibilities!

"Nobody threatens my slaves except me." ~ Jeff Bezos, probably

Jeff Bezos 😍😍


Were they actually nooses this time?

They probably didn't mention that they had tires in them and kids were playing on them.

Five more ropes that resembled a noose were found 

Ah, so they resembled a noose...

How much you wanna bet that it was twusted up cables, you know, from being a construction site, where a "loop" hung down?

I mean, look at this noose😱 there's nazis watering your gardens

Amazon said it is putting in place new security measures at the site during the closure, which began on Thursday and is expected to last at least until Monday. The reward money was also increased to $100,000 from $50,000.

More quality journalism from the Grauniad there

We doing reruns again?😴

The titles on this sub are something else. The only entertaining sub on this cesspool, I swear to god. A+ OP

It's so easy to trigger them but they call the whiteys fragile smh

Shut up whitey

Over 50% of them are fragile mayos.

after seven nooses discovered

Jussie moment?

So you are saying is all I need to do to stop amazon from moving into my city is to plant some nooses in their construction site thats some next level hilarity.

Did anyone think that the nooses were symbolic for suicide. Nah. Must be raycism!

Bubba Watson was seen tearing away from the scene in his Nascar

Why do you need a noose? I figure it would be easier just to leap off if you wanted to end it.


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