Twitch is literally giving you the ability to sort streams by race

1  2021-05-22 by Mathieu_van_der_Poel


Obviously they are not going to add "white" tag, or even "straight", but definitely not "white", imagine. Probably not "male" either. So there are going to be these conspicuous absences and people asking about them and many zoomers getting redpilled on the progressive nonsense, which means that it's an actual false flag by undercover alt-right twitch employees, because no way nobody has seen it coming.

Or maybe I'm way too optimistic about the unwashed masses ability to notice weird shit like this!

The closest you could do is filter out all those tags.

Even then, that would only highlight the “default”. Ironic.

Who knew "cis white male" will become the new normal

Maybe I'm just too autistic, but I genuinely don't get why people are offended by the term "normal". How else can I express that someone is the statistical majority or plurality without sounding like a filthy nerd in front of everyone? Like you know exactly what I mean by normal, it's not like I'm saying anyone is objectively better or worse, "normal" just means the usual or most likely outcome. Maybe they're just being willfully obtuse.

When was it ever not?

The question is, how to tag oneself!


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is this 4d chess or 2d mahjong?

1D paint-by-numbers. Its just rslurs all the way down.

Ceterum censeo industrialis societatis esse delendam.

What’s that mean?

Idk tbh. I post on drama, you shouldn't expect too much intelligent thought from my comments.

Edit: I thought you ment the first paragraph lol

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

It comes from a Latin phrase meaning "Also btw Carthage should be destroyed" with which a certain dramautistic Roman politician ended all his speeches, no matter how unrelated. UncleTedsBackup is playing coy by claiming that he doesn't have a clue while having adapted it to carry the same sentiment towards Uncle Ted's sworn enemy, the Industrial Society (and its consequences).

Wait so it is also a unabomber joke?

You know what dont tell me I already feel upset and r slurred

Of course it is and your feelings are entirely valid baby 🤭


Uncle Ted is wrong; the real mistake was agriculture, everything else just followed from there

This but unironically

I actually thought he was asking what the "paint by numbers" sentence ment lol. Because tbh i don't know what that was supposed to mean myself.

Isometric Checkers

Just edh with 6 people.

I mean. They could add English, French, Irish, Scottish, German. That would be the better move. White tag would be to ambiguous. Let's be honest nobody, not even 'white' people want to have anything to do with shitty white supremacistcels

Besides, white identity is stupid. I fucking hate Germans for example.

I think that is the point of the UN. All these 'white' nations have murdered each other more and gone to war. No non white nation has done that. They were all colonized. Just for discussion, the English and French have gone at like 12 times.

Imagine thinking colonization was about racism. Colonization was about beating the French.

Incorrect. It is and has been and will be about greed. It's in our nature to get more. Racism played a role once those lands were conquered Or in same cases like slavery.

Yes, and we should keep going. That’s a preferable alternative than having to coexist with the French or Germans tbh

That's just unhealthy bro.

Kraut apologists OUT OUT OUT

Lol imagine getting butt hurt about getting dad dicked by Jerry high on meth and it absolutely ruining your “glorious” military tradition.

Copium levels are extreme, the krauts are sneaky. They figure out financial diplomacy is much better than tanks

You got it backwards. The first steps of colonization succeeded exactly because one tribe of brown people wanted to have guns to kill the other tribe of brown people.

I don't think I do. I also don't disagree with your point.

and? mayocide is happening and we should all rejoice

Obviously they are not going to add "white" tag, or even "straight", but definitely not "white", imagine. Probably not "male" either.

but that will imply that white, male, straight is the overall default tag, meaning "normal" and everything else is special interest meaning kink/fetish

Lol just filter out all that shit and you get the normal streams.



maybe because white isn't a cohesive identity. They'll have English, German, French, etc. tags, which are actually cultural groups

Bruh, half of us gamers don't give a fuck. wanna sort by race? cool dude, don't care. I'm on here to watch try hards game, not to give a fuck about irl shit.

I just discovered that LOL bans the nslur. Noped right out of it. Gaming is dead.

Okay Snappy.

You're supposed to type 4 letters then ping E and R. Proof that snappy isnt even a real gamer

what games do you play that require you to say the n slur

games where Lucian/Senna/Pyke are picked and proceed to die 15 times in 10 mins

All of them

Fake gamer detected. Literally every multi-player game needs the use of the gamerword for optimal performance.

You obviously have never engaged in academic discussion on racism that required n slur usage. Whatever, bigot.


If you're an edgelord that uses the nslur in online video games, good riddance.

Opening the walls was mistake

You guys don’t like milking lolcows anymore

What about the demonstrative use of the n-slur in discussions about the importance of intersectionality and fighting racism? Don’t you think that by shutting down my academic n-word usage that you are supporting white supremacy?

Dilate tslur

It’s obvious you have no clue. Don’t talk about subjects you have no knowledge in, sweetie ☺️

Okay... so? 🤷 This update is to help boost disabled voices, not give more views (and more money) to privileged groups. White men aren't oppressed, although I can imagine for mediocre white guys it sucks to get a taste of what they've been doing to others for thousands of years. The difference is that when white men were in full control, they were a lot more forceful about their labels.

I honestly can’t think of a better way to give racists ammo than actively discriminating against white people. Now when white nationalists say “anti-racist is anti-white” they can just point to clear and obvious examples of that being the case.

So if you wanna support racists go ahead, and well done picking such an effective method.

STFU crakkka, mayocide now 💪🏿

Day of the sunburn is coming soon, pinkie 😎💅

You owe Pharaoh Tariq double reparations for posting this honkie nonsense 🤴🏿

Glad to find a buck who isn't broken on this website.

Tariq definitely doesn't have a closeted gãy race play fetish 🧐

Masculinity is when you sing about bussy

“anti-racist is anti-white”

It’s true and it is a good thing. Mayocide soon inshallah


No one cares about racists or playcating them. That's just r-slurred. This is a good business movie. Twich wants to be a global competitor what better way than to do this. Think about. A person of American nationality with x ethnicity or label can attract and connect with fan bases that identify with that label. There is nothing anti white about this. It's a business movie leveraging NA diversity.



Gamers man

twitch wants to be a global competitor, what better way to do this than diversity?

By allowing thots to go full nude and stop pretending theyre not a porn site for children and losers. Their new bath water section is already a step in that direction

Hey youtube was doing the same thing with reply girls. Sex sells.

Its what I'm saying. Sex sells more than diversity

Combine the two and you have an unstoppable force.

You have unstoppable seethe. 🏴‍☠️ slash asian masculinity copecels will cry forever over wmaf sex 🤣🤣🤣🤣

And I'd argue you have plenty of cope.

To address your weird accusation, I also think that is a toxic mindset and in some way's more racist. Those guy's want the same thing as wmaf but with white women. Instead of being happy and supporting of women of colour (and TBF in some cases they are) that have built relationship with white men, or white men that have built relationships with their community they disparage them. That I cannot agree with. The other thing is if white women don't respect you as a human being, why would you want to build a relationship with them? It says more about them as a demographic but it also says a lot about your sense of self. My two cents on that.


Words words words


Its not an accusation, that sub is filled with seethe over that shit

There are definitely some traumatized individuals.

This is a good business movie.

Get woke go broke tbqhwyfam. Wokies don't put their money where their mouth is. They're not gonna pay more to twitch or actually give a shit beyond virtue signalling on social media.

because its not about the accomplishment, its about the (sl)activism itself, the only thing that gives these people meaning in life. Thus they always have to chase the next "injustice" and "cause" and cant look back at what they have achieved, because behind them only lurks the abyss of their insufferable lives.

Oh don't get me wrong. Wokies are some of the biggest racist's or sexists in some cases. In fact my take is they look for things to cancel other people with because there are no repercussions. It's a form of social violence/harasssment/bullying.

I do think it is a good business move. Twitch wants to be a global player. Whose gonna connect with people from different ethnicities? People of English nationality but those ethnicities. Not saying others can't do it. Look at Joe Rogan, Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr. But generally for a decent enough streamer this is a good move.

Whose gonna connect with people from different ethnicities

Thats the mistake, you buy into the meme that people are actually racist and actually care about what the rslur they watch playing vidya looks like ethnically. By and large people in the first world, which is who overwhelmingly watches dumb shit like that, just don't. No normal person is gonna search for "trains Latinx WoW streamer". Twitter wokies are not normal people and dont represent the wider society. Being separated by ethnicity into categories is something the majority of people dislike. At best they will ignore those tags, at "worst" for twitch they will stop watching.

It's not about race, it is about growing the platform. Race to an extent plays a role. You want to grow the platform in other markets. Where youtube for example has failed.

I still disagree, because if there is one thing or one gift colonization gave the world it is the English language. It is the language of commerce, technology, and entertainment. It will play marginal role in NA, but a major role Globally. It's not for the wokies. It's just a good business move.

The most successful people are inclusive people, like the aforementioned subjects. Same thing on youtube. There is reason why for example people like KSI more succesful than Pewdiepie.

The thing is, being English but ethnically "african" or Chinese or Irish or whatever doesn't actually appeal to Africans or chinese or irish anymore than any other burger streamer does. Because only for amerimutts and wokies does it matter where someone's ancestors 3 generations ago came from. To everyone else, they're still just burgercels. If you want to appeal to Nigerians, you emphasise nigerian streamers. A 🏀 streamer from Chicago has as much appeal to a Nigerian as a Mayo streamer from Iowa. Hell, if its one of those pan-african tards that believe in kangz n shit its far less relatable.

Or as another example that might be a bit easier to get, take Irish. Its a giant fucking meme how "Irish americans" are a complete joke that know nothing of Ireland or Irish culture, just act all hibernian. No Irish is gonna watch one of those rslurs any more than if he was "kraut-american". Because they dont actually relate to them. The nationality does, not that that matters either.

Plausible but no absolute. Being a man of colour myself I watch people like myself from other parts of the world. I think it's a good business move. If you look at the lack of diversity on TV and Hollywood, it's unappealing and to an extent grossly racisit. That's just the industry that has been created. If you look at streaming, yourube, and even netflix the game is changin. People want to here diverse voices and stories. Even myself and not just about my ethnicity. People are naturally curious. We will wait and see how this play's out I guess.

Hmm, I'm not sure if that stands up to reality. The alt-right has been talking about "based Gen Z" for so long but all the studies show that we're queerer, browner, and more educated than any generation in history. I think this makes some people uncomfortable because... minorities existing and celebrating our diversity yucks their yum somehow?

Mmmm yeah daddy, yuck my yumhole 😩😩😩

You’re just the worst kinda person and I hope I don’t ever meet you. Down with whitey huzzah what a huge social justice win that you can search by race just like a good old slave auction! I watch my content based on its oppression olympics score. I don’t watch anything unless the streamer has 3 disabilities minimum and is a POC otherkin non conforming whatever ist

U "ppl" are so easy to bait

These lolcows have definitely been treated with rbst



The age of mayos is coming to a close. And a post mayocide, intersectional society is inevitable. Cope more yt

Im not tripping I’ll just chop off my dick and put nails in my ears. Deaf balding train definitely could get me a little clout.

Yaaasss kween!!!!!!!

You say you want a browner gen z, but then get mad when I rub shoe polish all over my face. I don't get it.

we're queerer, browner, and more educated than any generation in history

Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin. No, wait, you already did 😂

I prefer the term "temporarily embarrassed playboy"



drama downvoting drama wtf this is so sad

It's especially sad because Skassi is the legendary dogfucker who gave us the "Let me tell you this, 🏴‍☠️/drama is the most malevolent ..." pasta.

Letting unapprovedcels in was a mistake.

MDEfugees were kicked out of 109 subreddits and the problem is always the hosts 🙄

Don't put peanut butter on the dog's nose.

Im sorry mommy for not keeping up with random Internet spergs from years ago 😥😥 please let me at your milkies again 😔

"Haha I sure am an epic radical centrist" says the dramatard as he downvotes every comment he disagrees with

You all got trolled hard lmao

State of dramatards in 2021. I miss 4 years ago

people taking the bait tsk tsk

It is beyond disgusting that this comment is getting downvoted.


You guys are behaving like the SRDines.


Using the voting system on reddit in any form is cringe anyway

When was the last time we had a lolcow in the wild

This but unironically

But also ironically

R drama you fucking dummies do you really need the slash s? Stop downvoting this you products of incest.

Unapprovedcel suffrage has and will continue to be a mistake

Unapprovedcels could up/down vote even before borders opened

Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social "evil" to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society's ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.

That's not even a dogwhistle for racists, that's a fucking bullhorn dude.

The people who rise to positions of power in leftist movements tend to be leftists of the most power-hungry type, because power-hungry people are those who strive hardest to get into positions of power. Once the power-hungry types have captured control of the movement, there are many leftists of a gentler breed who inwardly disapprove of many of the actions of the leaders, but cannot bring themselves to oppose them. They NEED their faith in the movement, and because they cannot give up this faith they go along with the leaders. True, SOME leftists do have the guts to oppose the totalitarian tendencies that emerge, but they generally lose, because the power-hungry types are better organized, are more ruthless and Machiavellian and have taken care to build themselves a strong power base.

Pretty sure that is a quote from Uncle Ted's manifesto.

You can tell by how 100% correct it is.

Is it wrong tho 🤔

The men affected by this haven't been doing this for "thousands of years" unless they've all lived vastly beyond record lifespans.

Aren’t all twitch streamers disabled?

I’m honestly with you on this one. But racist mayos in here are too stupid to have any historical perspective.


Good bait mate

wow magehunter skassi. i know this dude from crying about league and being sexually attracted to dogs (white woman?). The real drama is always in the comments.




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filter for: latina, hottub

I hope I can also search for rack size - women with big tits need an inclusive community that shares their struggles with back issues! 🤗

Beautiful women get attacked by mediocre one's all the time. It is toxic

Add sexual kinks and I'll make an account

Need that and a height tag.

Maybe also demanding paid leave for those back issues!

i fucking hate you

You shouldn't hate sweetie, it's not nice

and you shouldn’t act like a fucking creep and make the internet uncomfortable for girls with big boobs, but here we are

What? I literally advocated for them having a special category on Twitch. Freak.

Gussy?? 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Need big gussy filters soon #coomermoment

You mean to filter them out, right? Actually, apply that to all gussy. I only want to see homofascists streaming HOI4.

imagine filtering for: goth, halter top, mommy, Abby Shapiro, ihop, hooters

Honestly I can get behind this in a big fucking way.

It's funny they have a hottub category now. Just straight up admitting that half their money comes from coomers.




disability tags

now it's going to be incredibly easy to find new munchies and cluster Bs to gawk at on twitch, lol

It's all voluntary disclosure too. The selection bias is people who are not only mentally ill, they openly embrace it.

Announcing a new feature: making it easy to find steamers who are suicidal and don't even try to hide it!

I wonder if there's any mentally ill people of hot tub streams yet 🤔

after we're banned from posting Twitter threads, this will be the last bastion of dramaposting before the Eternal Y'all

I think this will be banned long before linking to 🐦

Woundnt that just be every streamer?


Alexa, sort by suicide statistics




Reminds me of the boxed life

Genuinely hard to watch

Jesus christ al mighty

[talking about getting on tiddy skittles] everything is gonna be so much better

Thats really the core of it all. They live horrible lives full of unhappiness and frustration. And then 🚆 ing appears before them, as the glorious salvation from their misery and pain.

Youre not sad, it says, because you live an oversocialized life in a society that fosters loneliness, sells you the cure to the illnesses it creates, and makes you depend on it to fulfill even your basic needs.
No, you're sad because you are actually a woman born into a man's body. Just take even more pills, become even more dependent on oversocialized society, craft yourself a body, like we have crafted the nourishment you consume. and then, once you've cut up your body and wreaked havoc on your chemistry, you will finally be happy.

And then, down the road, when you have done all that, you will one day realize you're still just as miserable as before. Because nothing of what really kept you down has changed. You're still lonely in an oversocialized society that treats you like a cog in a machine, to be thrown away the moment its use is expended. You still can't enjoy the fruits of your labor, instead you get paid for meaningless work, to buy the product of equally meaningless workers to fulfill your biological needs and occasionally get that tiny drip of dopamine from the sensation of purchasing a new meaningless product, in the hopes that this one will finally give you happiness. Until one day it all comes crashing down, the misery of your life, multiplied by the effects of 🚆 ing. Even your very own physical form has been re-shaped by society as the ultimate "solution" to the illnesses it created in the first place. Yet that cure, wasn't. And now even your body has been industrialised. Even your body is no longer what it was ment to be, what it developed into as the result of a billion years of evolution. But industrial society of course knew better, in our arrogance and mania.

And then, what is left but to become part of the statistic?

Nice pasta

So these are the people calling others incels online. Imagine spending like 20 years of your life to raise that and then having them treat you like that.

Can we ban the internet already?

Friendly reminder that a lot of people on here are one safety net away from being like this, myself included

Holy hell I think I need therapy after this. This man raised a child for 25 years and is clearly doing his best to be supportive of them even though he doesn't totally get it, and gets treated like shit. No wonder he's an alcoholic.

Autism + mental illness

what is this

Mental health streams are going to be the same old 'we should all be open with our problems, with the underlying implication that my problems are worse than yours' that people have been playing since the days of emo.

Oh damn, circlejerk streams about """group therapy""" by these terminally online spergs is gonna create so much fucking drama! The pettiness of high-school emo cliques combined with the narcissism and separation of online-interactions rolled together with emotionally unstable rslurs that can't separate online from real life and constantly reinforce each other. There's gonna be so many bullying-related suicides!

So, just Twitch without any changes, then?

If only Terry were still alive. At least there’s Chris-Chan.

🤔🤔🤔 don't pron sites allow you to sort by the same tags...

Can't wait to see some gaming stepmoms!

Can't wait to see some gaming stepmoms!


Are step-gamers still allowed to say the gamer word?


Isnt that what the hot-tub tag is for?


superstraight when?

What'll probably happen is some underused tag will be the dogwhistle, and rapefugees will constantly jump on that tag over and over again, and Twitch will constantly have to cleanup those tags up.

Playing stupidpol means that you're inviting unwanted stupids to play your game. And ain't nobody stupider than fucking gamers

I only watch gay and schizophrenic BIPOC streamers so this will save me hours of sifting through oceans of mayonnaise to find and support the real gems.

Commie mommy has really been a blessing for all of us

  1. Create Twitch account

  2. Set category to autism

  3. Set stream to rebroadcast other people's channels

Rebroadcast the front-page tbqhwyfam

Sounds like the type of system that will be filled with people purposely identifying as the wrong race and what not. It’ll get even more dramatic if Twitch manually assigns races and genders.

Cannot wait until some desperate whitey "identifies as" as black for SEO purposes

And then applies digital blackface!

a flood of new Rachel Doleza's

Sorry sir, your shade of brown just isn't dark enough to qualify.

Paper bag test is back boys

Can’t wait until the one drop rule comes back strong and yts like Obama get sorted out properly

Is Twitch moving one step closer to granting my wish of a world where I only see yolked white bois in hot tubs? What a time to be alive!


I’m not sure if you mean “yoked” or if you have some kind of hot tub egg-sitting fetish, but I’m down either way

TIL, I thought it was someone muscular cause they eat raw eggs like Rocky. Now I see I'm borderline illiterate.

It's okay, we're all part of the r-slur spectrum on this sub

Do your seriously think you'll be able to filter for white males...?

Hopefully I can at least sort by people with no tags. Or could if I ever actually used Twitch.

Implying they won't pre-filter streams for bipoc 🚂 streamers in hot tubs

You've still got a lot to learn about the world my dude

yolked white bois

I have a fetish for throwing eggs at pale demons, too.

Does that also include making sure children can’t do pool streams or will it be fine for 13-17 year olds to stream semi naked ?

That is not and should not be twitch's responsibility, that is the parents job

weird how companies should insert themselves into every little aspect of the content of their site, but when it comes to kids making soft-core porn or being possibly exploited, suddenly it should not be their business...

Almost as if 🚆 + alphabet people and pedophiles are just one identical circle

Fervently police what words, information, ideology, humor and/or any other other form of dialogue are allowed to be shared on your site

Yes sir. Will do it for free sir.

instill safeguards to prevent the obvious dangers of the sexual exploitation of minors inherent within a platform of your size and purpose

Not our job sweaty 💅

By this logic couldn’t particularly deranged parents essentially whore out their children on Twitch? Would twitch be alright with that?

couldn’t particularly deranged parents essentially whore out their children on Twitch? Would twitch be alright with that?

Yes, and yes.

Wouldnt be surprised if that already happens before the year is over. There will be some hand-wringing, and then they will find some mayoid who called a 🚆 a 🚗 and the pedo thing will be swept under the rug while the alphabet-coalition ensures the focus lies on the hecking trainsphobe instead of the paedophilia in their own ranks.

"If we don't actively make diversity a goal of our business, we're implicitly enabling racism. Also its none of our business whether our platform is showing half naked children to randoms on the internet unsupervised."

Twitch getting more and more like Grindr these days.

Difference is gays are bæsed as fuck tho. G*mers are just escaped mental patients.

Dudes rock 😎

This but unironically.

Seriously, who seriously thinks anyone would put up with gússy if it wasn't for their, well, gússy?! Not even gússy can stand other gússy!

OK Google search all Twitch live streams with the following tags combined

#French - #brunette - #busty - #petite - #Bipolar - #nobra - #single - #18-25yo - #shorthairs - #tomboy - #Minecraft

OK computer disengage safety protocols

Yeah chuds, I'm thinking this is for the better good 😎


stopped reading here


stopped reading here

Nevermind the Frenchs, Dios mio your post history...

should I reach first to your legal caretaker, the Feds or that new Twitch disability partner program ?

I went because you made the remark and good god, we have a live one.

>stalking anyone's comment history
reddit moment

Can’t wait for the arguments about who gets the coveted black label to kick off

"Using the 'Black' tag as a white person on twitch is equivalent to digital blackface"- Huffpo

so I can finally filter all of the non-coloureds from my videogame streams?

Twitch Yes!

Can't wait to filter out all the whypepo.

There are minorities on twitch?

gamers 😔

The one minority that should be Rwanda'd 😔😔

Ceterum censeo industrialis societatis esse delendam.

thank you father ted


I've seen at key 3 or 4.


Finally returning to their gamer roots I see

Jeff “George Wallace” Bezos

If i comment in this thread i will get admin banned 👀

A step in the right direction, but problematic if they don't honour transrace and transnationality individuals.

Slowly becoming chaturbate

Separate but equal.

Clown world



As long as blind is one of the tags I'm okay with this.


Search by mental health?


I checked and it seems to be more about language (?)
