Bad Dog: Pit Bull Politics and Multispecies Justice

1  2021-05-22 by itsnotmyfault


Bad Dog examines pit bulls and animal shelter politics through the lens of what I term “interspecies intersectionality” in order to identify how relationships between humans and non-human animals shape and are shaped by experiences of gender, race, colonialism, nation, and sexuality. Traversing themes ranging from contemporary claims to “rescue,” the history of the human, the ontological emergences/becomings of human/pit bull relationships, and the queer possibilities for challenging normative kinship inherent in pit bull politics, Bad Dog provides a compelling interdisciplinary argument for a justice that engages the needs, desires, and imaginings of marginalized humans and non-human animals together. 

queer possibilities for challenging normative kinship inherent in pit bull politics

Humanity was a mistake

Despite making up <1% of human history, the industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for 100% of society.

Lol it's a white womyn of course




Glad you're still here to appreciate this, even if Lysis is gone. I only found out she was a white woman last week.

It's good to see some of the OG draumanauts here, we miss you

Hang in there, snally.

Why stick to pibbles? Why not go all the way and demand tiger acceptance?

Excuse me, tigers are awesome and would also help with humanity's long-overdue natural selection.

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Are we sure this isn’t one of those fake grievance studies articles? “Harlan Weaver” sounds like a made-up name.

A bit hard to make up an assistant professor position and hold it for many years.

gender, women, and sexuality studies

fake grievance studies articles?

same thing.

Not for f0id, gander, and 🚀🐕 studies

I think they are so similarly predictable it doesent really matter. If it got accepted, then it was likely appreciated by the peers either way.

"My Pit Bull Somehow Got Out"

Leashes, collars, kennels, crates, Electric neckband, towering gates, Commands of owners, whistles, bells, Clickers, harness', bolts from hell.

Muzzles, latches, locks and keys, Anchor chains on oakwood trees, Thorny hedge and fences stout, But UP goes the cry "the pit's got out!"

OUT he goes and none knows WHY, Through windows, doors and balcony high, OUT he goes on his lawless way, Romping, roaming, Pittle-Pittle play.

Snacking on cats and fat on fun, He dodges the cure of knife and gun, Romping and chomping and kicking up Hell, The cop cars roaring on siren and bell.

"BOOM" barks the gun, and into the dust, Falls our happy killer and his wander-lust, No matter his victims, no matter those cats, No matter the wee dogs used as his snacks, No matter the schoolchild torn in the face, No matter the jogger with knee-caps displaced, No matter the old man dragged to the ground, No matter the small girl whose scalp can't be found... NOTHING'S as loud or as long as that shout,



Hey this kind of fits the Pekes&Pollicles tune, just hit me lol

it almost matches meter with the verse of 'We didnt start the fire'

examines pit bulls and animal shelter politics through the lens of what I term “interspecies intersectionality”

How can you read this and still defend industrial society? Explain yourself!

are shaped by experiences of gender, race, colonialism, nation, and sexuality.

I'll be sorelying disappointed if it doesn't compare dogfucking in current_year to mayof0ids fucking escaped slaves back in the days.

Ah yes. I knew this day would come.

Is this another Sokal affair or someone who took too many 🐕💊
