Christmas Cake Faces Reality on BirdApp.

1  2021-05-23 by glladgrat


I had to Google your insult. Downkeanued for being a w**b. 🤮

Imagine using the phrase "downkeanued" in 2021 on

We're both r-slurs.

Gonna downkeanu you for that one

I want to fucking hit you for what you said. And for capitalizing google, you giant nerd.

You can always just Downkeanu him and move on



That's quite some cope.

If she's 22, then she really looks too old for her age. I've seen plenty Black girls that are older than her, but look way younger. She's really putting that "Blacks don't crack" stereotype to shame.

Maybe she will look like that when she is 42.

Either way, the pic is shopped as hell. Check out the phone, all fuzzed up.

I'm not too well-versed in those forms of deception.

If that is true, then she might be worse than she lets on. Poor girl.

That means nothing, the entire image has a bit of camera shake to it.

No way she's 22 or 30. 30 is obviously an exaggeration but she looks like 28 at worst. At best she's lying like those perpetual 25 year olds crawling the bars trying to compete with real 25 year olds.

I don't know. I've seen some highschoolers (back when I was a highschooler) who looked like they are in their mid-20s. I have always chalked it up as Whites aging like milk when compared with other races.

After being out of the school for so long, and see so many people, I am not so sure anymore.

Sounds like something a 33 year old would say 👴🏼

I dunno, she has the indeterminate "20s" look to my eyes, but the older I get the worse I am at this.

Twitter thot is insecure.

Where's the drama?

y’all hypersexualize black girls

no one does this

grown men were calling me sexy at age 10 so no, I don’t like it when people try to tell me I look older than my age. Y’all can stop

Hmmm I wonder if those fine fellows were hanging out on the stoop shooting dice

I'd love to have a redbone GF but they think they're all that and will demand you to take them on vacations and buy them a house with a large back yard and outdoor furniture 🤮

Had to check her profile because I thought she only had one titty