Feds force “real water” to recall all product after they ship water causing liver failure and death.

1  2021-05-23 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


The product is sold as premium alkalized drinking water in distinctive boxy blue bottles touting “E2 Electron Energized Technology.” Labels say it is “infused with negative ions”

People who fall for this kind of shit deserve what they get.

Negative ion was so 2000s.

The federal civil complaint calls the product brand “Re2al Water Drinking Water,”


Man if they wanted those negative ions they could have just grabbed a bottle of oven cleaner and diluted it a bit.

EDIT: On further analysis that is exactly what they did you can't make this shit up.

Real Water’s lead technician, Casey Aiken, 40, is a former vacuum and timeshare salesman who began working for Real Water last June after losing his job as a strip club promoter. According to a taped deposition from late March that was obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Aiken was promoted from his job of loading bottled water onto shipping pallets to the company’s lead technician after “a couple hours” of training.


The American dream still exists.

Checkmate communists.

Their website is 'drinkrealwater.com', which I find to be an ironic thing to tell customers to do, as they drink experimental chemical concentrate.

This is absolutely fucking unreal.

At first I read that as vacuum timeshare salesmen lmao

How often do you really need your vaccuum

Why bot have VacuumAsAService

Get it dropped off use it signal for a pickup

I’ll be sure to think of what a sucker you were when we IPO, or get aquihired

A C-tier comedy would have thrown this script out as too stupid.

FDA alleges they put lye and other base salts in the water to make it alkaline

So I guess no one who had a literal HS science course worked there.

They didn’t even know how to calibrate their own testing equipment. There’s a comment over in news from an article where their technician was getting a low reading on a broken meter so instead using any actual equations or chemistry, they just kept adding stuff until the reading read in their acceptable range.

That's what real water does 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ If you don't like it, drink fake water 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

This 👆😤


how do you fuck up water

how do you fuck up water

Flint michingan circa 2012

Idk, how do you fuck up radishes? Also, why aren't you dead from the liver cancer already, I felt bad for you at the time and I'm feeling bad at you now for misleading me.

I got more testing done after moving back to CA and the liver shit isn't as bad as I was initially told. My pancreas is fucked though and they're still recommending a liver transplant, but it's not necessary.

Gallbladder's also pretty screwed up and it's been over a year since I've taken a solid shit.

But I'm not at death's door like I thought I was.

how do you fuck up radishes?

Idk they're supposed to be super easy to grow.

it's been over a year since I've taken a solid shit.

Have you been recommended plums (in season) or prunes and prune juice?

No but they put me on some medication for it that didn't help.

At the end of the day though it doesn't matter what I do unless I stop drinking, which I haven't.

Nobody likes a quitter

Seriously though, if it won't interfere with your medication, eat some plums or prunes.

Maybe some realwater will cure what ails you.

Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today.


This is the real conspiracy



Maybe it was real water from Flint, Michigan?

Water is drawn from the Las Vegas-area municipal supply