The Coof might have escaped the lab in Wuhan, report says

1  2021-05-24 by The_Live_Ghost


😡are you trying to tell me drumf was Right ?

Always has been.

There is still no proof!!! And it isn't fishy that China refused to let people actually investigate until a year later either. Stop asking Questions. What about the USAs TERRIBLE reaction to covid!?

Of all sad words of song and pen...

the saddest are these: Orange Father was right again

Absolutely bizarre they're admitting this now. Were they just tired of lying about how that was impossible or what?

We all know why


I mean, I don't. Is this an unhinged (((them))) thing?

Daddy was saying this in his own dementia fueled way and thus the lefties couldn't agree with him, so they've waited a little while and now say the same thing in a slightly more rational way so they can pretend no one saw this coming

Just goes to show you, always listen to daddy 😵🤤

Daddy knows best after all

In hindsight, trusting virologists to accurately answer the question of whether virology research could have been responsible for 3 million deaths wasn't the best of ideas.


You should never expect somebody to go against their own interests, even when major information is on the line.

I thought that it was pretty commonly accepted that it came out of the lab but the controversial claim was that it was a bioweapon instead of a medical research fuck up

Nah, the common acceptance is somebody fucked a pangolin in China and then suddenly Italy and Spain were on fire because the pangolin coughed during the dicking.

I thought the common acceptance was that fucking the pangolin was fine, but receiving a snowball from the pangolin after the act was a step too far.

Nah, I've always held the moderate opinion that it came from a lab but was just a fuck up rather than an intentional release but people still said I was fucking insane.

It’s actually even better than that. It looks like Fauci pushed for viruses to be experimented on and his agency then gave money to chyna to play with bat coronaviruses in a low level lab. Now Burgers and glorious leader Xi need to team up to keep the public from realizing they created the worst crisis in our life time. (I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE)

I thought this was old news. I swear I saw this being said last year, along with the CCP sperg out and starting making claims of it coming from anywhere but close to China.

One reason why I still keep the "escaped the lab" hypothesis in the back of my mind was because of how massive the CCP's propaganda backlash was to the mere suggestion that the virus came from China, let alone escaped a lab. Their reaction went above and beyond face-saving into absurdity; it makes much more sense in light of the possibility that the Chinese government massively fucked up.

At the same time, the backlash could have also been an attempt to distract the west from how utterly disgusting Chinese wet markets are. Both the 'escape from a lab' and 'emerged from a filthy pit of live animals that Chinese people unironically eat' possibilities are embarrassing

My favorite theory is that a lab employee sold bat corpses he was supposed to incinerate at the wet market.

I will choose to believe that this is what happened.

Trump owns a bat farm in Singapore, look it up. A few months before covid broke out Trump loaned one of his bats to a Chinese lab in Wuhan, knowing full well that it was infected with big rona. He then had his Chinese operatives break the laboratory seals so the bat could escape, eventually landing in the nearby wet market and dying right on the bat stall.

This was Orange Father's revenge.

Do you frequent markets like this often?

the local flea market has a meat stand, that's close enough, right?

snally, anything farther than being face-deep into your fartbox is too far away and you know it

I personally don't believe it, but I have also sorted into the "I wouldn't be surprised" pile for the same reason. Virus definitely came from China. No doubts about it.

the "I wouldn't be surprised" pile

Mine is pretty big these days.

Was probably made in a lab, and then instead of disposing it properly, the worker sold the infected meat to the wet market and the CCP does not want to be seen as incompetent killers.

Seems like a rather likely scenario.

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. The Coof might have escaped the lab... -,*

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Fake news. It came from bats. Miners became ill with similar symptoms years ago. Bats likely flew over Wuhan and aerosolized the wet market near the lab. They can’t find traces because that population died out, air pollution and certain parasites have decimated bat species worldwide. Virus isn’t very infective to the bats now because of spike protein modifications. Debunked again like months ago.

Source? Source?

Ya got a source for that bud?

Yeah um I'm gonna need a source

Fauci, literally our chosen head of medical science. Not to mention common sense. Changing viruses, living organisms, to attack a certain species? Too much old sci-fi my dude, read some Patterson to dry out.

Deleted my other comment because I misread the date.

Pretty much. Dude has flip flopped all over the place, but at least he's now saying something that the hardcore "science believers" have been decrying as racist for over a year now. It's always fun to quote people's Jesus right back at them.

Deleted my account


I mean the article he posted just said that it looked like it didn't come from a lab based solely of the DNA and was from early on in the pandemic. Idk if that's really the best example of flip flopping.


Gain of Function research isn’t a conspiracy numb nuts.

I just flicked my left testicle. I felt it and it hurt. Find a new angle.

Do the right one harder. Just to be sure

Normally that one doesn’t hurt as much but I flicked harder than intended because I’m busy. Starting to think you do not have my best interest in mind.

Por que no los dos tho

An infected bat could have escaped from a research lab.

Pass the meth pipe, por favor.

To break downboat bait here, because I like you, this was all done at BSL-2 because putting on protective gear sucks and no one likes it, even though the lab was rated BSL-4 or whatever. We still haven’t found the zoonotic transmission point unlike most other similar viruses. Plus all the other rightoid talking points. Let the cards fall but it’s looking a certain way. No matter what happens at least it wasn’t like SARS-CoV-1.

As an orgo chemist for whom, during my lab scrub years, the "proper channels" for transporting experimental porphyrin analytes to the MALDI TOF and NMR labs was lmao a tinfoil wrap in my pocket, I get that.


I can’t. Doctors said if I did again it would kill me.

Oh yeah, I'm so close, I'm debooonking!!!
