Future governor of California, Prince Harry claims Meghan Markle will be assassinated by white supremacists because that's why Princess Diana died. Twitter circlejerks itself into a frenzy.

1  2021-05-24 by busslordlowkeybussin


I wonder what their angle will be when this bit gets old for the American public (the trauma of being royal 🙄). It’s already gotten old for me.

It might be getting old for you but for a lot of mouthbreathers it will never get old.

The one true fault of burger republicanism (small r) is that we broke off of monarchism before the French gigachads could inspire actual hatred of monarchy. Because of that a lot of americans view royalty as some sort of fascinating anachronism or something out of a fairy tale instead of it being what it really is, cringe.

I also blame Disney and their fairy princess shit.

Actually, I blame Disney for a lot. I just really hate the rat corporation.

They haven't played the "Prince Andrew is a pedo and it was traumatic for me" card yet. Hope they start bringing him up next.

when this bit gets old for the American public (the trauma of being royal 🙄)

Or it gets old for rightoids first who start going about Freedom and Independence, so leftoids begin to like royalty actually.


Am I allowed to say on Reddit what I think should happen to royals?

France is right about royalty?

Icke was more right.

Or Cromwell

I just don't understand why anyone gives a shit about these people.

Why do people give a shit about any reality TV stars. Its the same shit.

we fought a whole war over this crap and we still have to see it smh

I think your thought are similar to mine. There is that one Call of Duty mission that comes to mind....

Seriously, on one hand you have old pedo cranks, on the other rich and powerful Hollywood celebrities, giving interviews on some of the most viewed shows on earth to air their fake depression and suicide screeds. Absolutely sick people, powerful assholes playing their stupid theatrical games about how they're soft uwu small beans. Fuck you.

There is that one Call of Duty mission that comes to mind...

No Russian?


Need to keep my plausible deniability.

You can about Harry cause he's white but only on r GenZedong or socialism or whatever. On r drama that would be literally white supremacy against biracial Meghan.

I love all people, but I meant in the Swedish Royal Family to the House of Saud sense.

I think so Brain, but how are we gonna get the Habsburgs to England without raising suspicions?


Leave them alone. No one gets to choose the family they’re born into.

I believe in a dramanaut's right to choose.

Oh wow. I thought you were joking.

I would never joke about nazi assassins going after royalty like this. I am a little bit confused as to why he moved to a majority white country to get away from white supremacy though.

Meghan wants that sweet Hollywood money.

Props to him to not actually live in an even whiter country (like Canada).

Don’t know if this is a joke but they tried moving to Canada first lol

I know that, but he didn't stay in the end.

It was actually Afrikkka, for some reason that never panned out though.

Or Japan

Great country to make a boatload grifting racism victimhood with his 90% mayo waifu.

Bongs are bootlickers when it comes to the royal family.

Even the "socialist" bongs will tell you that they're happy to give money to the queen because they get entertainment from watching royalty.

If bongs had any balls they'd just do what the Russians did, shoot every one of these inbreds in a basement, and put an end to centuries of national cuckery.

He came so close to naming the reptoids.

I'm convinced this whole thing is just the media throwing shit hard at the wall and seeing what sticks best, I've yet to meet an IRL person who gives a single shit about any of the royals.

Lol absolutely. Rightoid media loved it when Harry said something about the first ammendment. Leftards love the race angle Meghan is selling.

In the end Meghan gets to be a princess without the responsibility and they both make money. This is just a royal grift aimed at people who like reality tv and drama.

If that woman is black, then I'm gonna use the nonoword on italians and greeks.