The new hill lefties decided to die on today:

1  2021-05-24 by lida_19


the notion that exposing kids to the concept of adult sexuality is inherently predatory, harmful, or toxic is really odd

you get the fuck away from my kids creep

regardless of your thoughts on this, if you imply that im a creep or some shit, im gonna have to block you. get a grip imo

Not implying when it's a downright fact

He can’t block the sex offender registry

Why do people on Twitter act like blocking someone is a win? It's so pathetic

Twitter has basically turned into high school.

What do you think the probability is that he's a male feminist? Seeing what he posts and what he looks like it's hard to argue for anything other than 100%.

I've seen this guy before. He's definitely a male feminist

Literally 100% of people with a strong opinion on anything sex beyond "i like having it" is guaranteed a sex pest with criminal charges and/or restraining orders in their past or future.

Inherently? No, just like 99% of the time when it’s not the parents explaining things.

Rentoid Moment

sincere question, how old is appropriate to start sex ed in your eyes, or are you opposed to it altogether?

after her 30th birthday of course

don't want the neighborhoods thinking I'm running a whorehouse

Sex ed should be outlawed and the government should apply a chastity cage to everyone at birth that can be removed after the fifth year of marriage (after paying a $50,000 tax, of course).

Sex isn't real, it was invented by Big Dildo


This is the slippery slope the evangelicals warned us about 15 years ago

Yeah I didn't believe them. But now I realize you can't just let consenting adults do whatever without them trying to brainwash kids.

I didn't believe them either. I believed the activists that told me they just wanted to be left alone and wouldn't involve the kids.

Now my friend who's a middle school teacher has school sanctioned field trips to local pride parades where grown ass men walk around with their dicks out in front of the students.

Never again. I'm never trusting them again.

yeah but if we listened we'd all be doing a bunch of other dumb shit because of the baggage it was based in/on. the concept of requiring social self-discipline was correct, despite being based in fallacious logic and spawning from religious nonsense.

society needed to learn this lesson this way, to get us to a place of recognizing the importance of secular self-discipline. so we don't end up with some kind of ritualized spiritual pseudo-cannibalism attached.

edit: again

My boomer dad and his father warned me about this and I laughed. I won't give them the satisfaction of letting them know they were right.

Just give him the satisfaction. He already knows he's right anyway


You were not supposed to realize.

Unironically they were right. I don't want to say legalizing bussy was a mistake but it might have been

700 Club tried to warn us

they were never going to win unless they converted to islam. this cucked prot shit was never going to work.


True, although in this recent spout of discourse they seem to be disturbingly open about it.

I looked at the poster’s Patreon so I am not particularly shocked about the opinion of a YouTuber who does anime and politics and posts pictures of themselves taking baths for no reason easily being seen as engaging pedo apologia




Every time

somehow its always who youd most suspect


Doesn't matter who, once you start digging into an ideology you find it's all pedos.

Alt-right: Loli pedos Conservatives: church pedos Liberals: deep state island pedos Lefties: queer theory pedos

It's true

tfw everyone with a political ideology wants to shag kids

But unironically, they are everywhere. Ask any girl who wasn't an uggo when she was young and they'll tell you about how common creepy men are.

What about centrists

That's just normal vanilla pedophilia.

Kids go to the barbecue?


Extra funni considering these same people will lose their marbles over a 19 year old with an older person or celebrity because "POWER RELATIONS CAN BE ABUSED".

I thought we all agreed that was just cynical intrasexual competition.

Not even like older but like 25 and they lose their minds

I genuinely can’t tell if that’s a joke

I’m just sayin , parent takes their kid to pride, the kid sees a leather man, this isn’t a crisis scenario, and if it is why are u so into going to pride??

He's not wrong on this one. If you take your kid to the pride, then surprised to see a lot of degenerate stuff, it is only your fault.

...wait. Is he saying that gays are all degenerates?

That last sentence is really the crux of it. Pride is older than your kids. Now that you’re a parent, you want Pride to change?

Going by that logic, nothing in the world should be changed.

What a doofus.

Christianity is older than queer theory and you want Christianity to change? 🥴🥴🥴

We are all degenerates on this blessed day

I don’t think parents MUST show their children the world of kink, I’m just sayin

incredible sentence tbh

God damn I'm a liberal but fuck it if I dont vote for Hitler 2.0 (aka not Trump)

Imagine a liberal candidate that's just doesn't care about the Twitter crowd. Twitter would still think they're Hitler 2.0

I'm Jewish and I'd have to think really hard about a Hitler v. Kamala election.

I want Netanyahu POTUS, NOW 😤😤😤

And it’s so funny cause I’m not making some massive claim. I don’t think parents MUST show their children the world of kink, I’m just sayin , parent takes their kid to pride, the kid sees a leather man, this isn’t a crisis scenario, and if it is why are u so into going to pride??

He's proving a point here, but not the point he wants to prove.

People with no intention of having kids have no right to make these stupid, childish arguments

It’s incredibly weird that watching Pewdiepie is considered one step away from joining the alt right but showing your dick to a child doesn’t mean anything until they actually find the fire the smoke is coming from. Utterly sickening, and I hate to attack my own kind but it’s mostly very young looking, nerdy men defending this who notoriously have trouble with DMing women weird shit

God have mercy do I fucking hate seeing str8s at leather events.


People forget about NAMBLA.

People either don't know it exist, or think it's strictly a joke from South Park.

this is a sub that talks about bussy like it’s traded on the Dow Jones, ARRRRRDRAMA has never forgotten.

Commoditized bussy on the CBOE when?

Wasn't one of their members recently murdered?


"Look if you disagree with my manic schizo Twitter shit posts you are a bigot and blocked. Nazi. "

Blocking someone is a brave and powerful act that requires a lot of courage to do

Is that a valiant AHC warrior xueens quote 🥰🥰

God he's so cringe. I tried watching some of his YouTube "content" when I was drunk and it was literally unwatchable. I had to run to the shower to rinse off all the smug. Disgusting.

That's an incredibly boring and sad way to spend your drunk time.

That wasn't even rock bottom for me, sadly.

Man, back in 2015 I'd get wasted and browse reddit and shit post non-stop.

Good times.

Good times.

Alcohol is the fucking evil devil though. Lost my uncle to it.

Too bad it spared you


Alcohol is the fucking evil devil though. Lost my uncle to it.

Imagine getting killed by a organic molecule. What a pussy.

His debate with destiny was pretty funny. He said he thinks its murder if you kill someone for trying to steal something from you even if you warn them beforehand. He was really non confrontational the whole debate and once he left the call he went on twitter to bitch about destiny and strawmanned him.

What is it about super-political people that makes literally all of them want to fuck kids?

Political ideology is no different than a discord server

Lmao he just keeps going and going, you'll be able to tell the exact moment CPS and the FBI show up at his door when his manifesto ends all of a sudden.

I am gonna block you if you tell me being a lolberterian is bad, m'kay.

Lmao this is why chapo infested areas like Oregon and California are filled with pedophiles.

Getting dunked on by Lauren Southern should be embarrassing enough to leave the internet forever

How the fuck are people defending this:

I get that Lauren southern is a dumb bitch and your Initial reaction is to call her rslurred but she's so obviously right. Lefties truly have gone off the deep end

I saw some twittercel reply to that image claiming it was wholesome and pure because it was a child expressing her love for dogs and costumes and that taking that experience away from her would actually corrupt her.

I thought it was satire but it wasn't.

There is no excuse to not understand why we age gate things.

Children cannot understand or consent to the colossal consequences - medical, psychological, social or otherwise attached to sex.

Therefore we do not want to normalise or introduce them to these acts until they can.

This has to be the most coherent thing she's ever said and r-slurs are still arguing against it lmao. Imagine defending pedos to own the cons.

I find comfort in knowing that this is a vocal minority

This is what happens when you teach critical theory to someone on the left side of the bell curve.

Oh ok so we'll just wait until they can consent and immediately educate them from scratch right at that instant. Binary step function, cool cool cool.

Good job, you know what zeros followed by ones is called. They sneed like they're geniuses over absolutely everything

Maybe the evangelical right was correct....

This is a funny exchange to me because notable child groomers like Saville said they hated kids to look more innocent. The twitter creature also uses a Vaush video to prove Republicans are rapists (which is true, it’s a stereotype, but it’s reductive to say there’s not another stereotype for the Liberal Elites to be child abusing too)

What Joel doesn’t seem to realise is that endorsing this kind of thing allows new power structures to be created that suppress victims based on not wanting to go against the morals you’ve been taught to follow by your group. For example Hbomberguy, a prominent leftist whotuber, was caught telling a woman friend of his that was uncomfortable with one of his guy friends DMing her weird shit that “maybe you misremembered who harassed you”. Vaush, another liberal, was caught DMing people about horse porn and talked about lowering the age of consent once capitalism falls. Not to mention the sexual assault that happened at Chaz. Just because you’re not a dominant ideology doesn’t mean you’ve got no power over the young and stupid. I think it’s pretty stupid for kids to idolise youtubers but while they still do I don’t think people like this should encourage stuff that can lead to grooming like parasocial relationships or kinks at pride. The best solution would be to have two kinds of prose, one at day that’s clean and the other at night or in more private settings like clubs that’s completely unrestricted

Uhh this guy is so lame

regardless of your thoughts on this, if you imply that im a creep or some shit, im gonna have to block you. get a grip imo

TFW you are so passive and weak, you can't even say "get a grip" without clarifying its just your opinion.

Twitter admins when leftists defend pedophilia: 😴😴😴

Twitter admins when I’m being epic and based and redpilled: 🤬🤬🤬

to obscure

Pedo grammar

The real degeneracy is what some people will do for attention.

Why does this have so many likes? Are they not afraid anymore?

good for them, it’s about time lefties reached across the aisle

Scrolling down I found this nonsense and now you all must see it too.

porn is for the ENTIRE family bigot

I used to work with sex offenders. I asked one guy why, since he hated his abuse, he abused kids. His answer was that kids know more these days with sex ed and such so it was different. Because they're more mature nowadays. 🤢

So, some of this nonsense is stupid people. Some part, not sure how big, is deliberate grooming and rationalizing abuse of kids.

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. The new hill lefties decided to die... -,*

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Which reddit admin are they married to?

*decided to capture with no casualties in 5-10 years.

Next day they will whine about nobody wanting to join their ideology.



I've hated this f-slur ever since he made an hourlong video explaining why the movie Trolls was actually about fascism.

Why are they always pedophiles?