Dementia father tells bernout art students to stop being poor. Rose twitter vents in the replies.

1  2021-05-24 by MYNAMEjef174652


I don't get why the Dems won't just give this in

the USofA printed over I don't know how many billions of dollars over the last few months anyway

a few more won't make a difference

Because the total amount of federal student loan debt is 1.5 trillion.

Also, these people don't deserve it, and them suffering the consequences of pursuing useless degrees is a good thing.

free from this economic burden, i suspect most of them would immediately go back to graduate school and take on even more debt lol

d*gree holders make me 🤮

imagine not just walking into the boss's office and demanding a job on the spot

Cause it's a regressive policy that takes tax dollars from the poor and gives it to the upper clas- When I put it like that I sorta wanna support it now.

Don't believe me?:

What the fuck is a quintile? My degree was in British Women's Studies.

Was your thesis on "why do they look like that?"

British Women's Studies 😂😂😂

I really don't get why rose Twitter is after college debt forgiveness. It's literally giving free money to well off people that don't need it. It would benefit upper middle class millennials (mostly white kids too) before anyone else.

It's almost like rose Twitter is well off college grads that don't want to pay for their debt.

Yes and they disguise it as caring about poor ppl who dont even rlly have college debt

Most of rose Twitter come from upper-middle class and above so they don’t get shit from FAFSA.


Gotta keep the bernie bros in your tent.

"Ill have those bernouts voting blue for 200 years"-DDD

It's actually a massive undertaking and despite all of Reddit's waxing about how it'll "free the middle class to spend more money and stimulate the economy," it's probably one of the worst ways to waste money because white upper middle class families aren't actually going to spend it on anything productive if they spend it at all. Look at how many stimulus checks got spent on bad dragon dildos.

Ya honestly if any debt relief should be going out it should be for mortgages.

I haven't done any research into it, but my gut instinct is refinancing auto loans. Those predominantly affect the working class, directly contribute to people's ability to work, and are legitimately a serious predatory issue.

Yikes, a bailout for the heckin polluters. It would be better spent on credits for luxury electric cars

Stimulate the economy

Maybe we should just print 20 million dollars per person to give to every American to stimulate the economy.

Because that’s how economic policy apparently works. Because there is no possible way that there will ever be any inflation if we do that.

Because it's a backdoor tax on the middle class.

Just do everything by executive order.

Biden should issue an execute order on rose twitter.

An executive order wouldn't be in the budget so idk what roseslurred Twitter is complaining about. Still salty about Bernie I guess

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the power to do that and if they circumvented the law to erase debt then wait until the Republicans use that same trick in 4 years

Asking Congress to do it instead of just making an executive order is one of the best decisions DDD ever made.

Asking Congress to create a bill. What a crazy concept.

Lol get dabbed on poors. Thanks for the votes too ya chumps 😂😂😂

Biden really should just sign an order on debt.

Holy shit, he lied

(Pfp is that laughing italian meme guy) profile description:

18 | Anti-Capitalist | BLM | he/him | England  | Free Palestine 

What a clown college of a website. I've developed a literal visceral hate of twitter by now tbh.

Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


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I actually did not pay off all my student loans when I could have last year hoping Biden or Bernie would get it forgiven. Oh well




Cough cough gasp


It’s not like he’s been accruing interest.

All you have to do is work 15 to 20 hours a week at a decent job during school and full-time during summer

God damn I hate lazy bitches

I can easily pay off those loans in full rn but why tf would I if there is a chance of them getting canceled and the fact that there is 0 interest during the plandemic with elevated inflation

Oh I'm laughing that you have loans in the first place

But that is a smart strategy dog

Too bad. Work that minimum wage job with your useless degree till you pay off that loan.

Lool someone asked asked what Biden has over Trump anyways and someone else replied with mean tweets.


Student loan cancellation is one of the most smoothbrained ideas floated by dems, literally a handout to people with high income and high earning potential that punishes saving and prudence and has the potential to introduce of fuckton of moral hazard once the precedent is set that daddy government can make the taxpayers pay off your loans