Acclaimed boomer tv show 60 minutes does a segment on trains de-railing. twitter reacts how you would expect.

1  2021-05-25 by jeffthespammer


This shit is why you're supposed to do the years of therapy and incremental shit instead of skipping and doing internet HRT drugs in power mods apartments

doing internet HRT drugs in power mods apartments

I nearly forgot about this

Give me a quick rundown.

Some power mod was grooming adolescents who thought they were trains (or telling them they were, I dont remember) and inviting them to her apartment wherein she would supply them with titty skittles

titty skittles

My fucking sides


Is actually

Is it mommy Maxwell?

No a different powermod

There’s an article about it from the gateway pundit with a title like reddit mod under fire


My favorite quote form the thread "A lot of it depends on how much sissy porn the man has watched, or for younger boys it's anime based. It's all sexualised."

This is honestly accurate

Spot The Lie: Literally Impossible Edition

I mean you say that but she looks fine, considering she was on testoterone and had surgeries. Might as well just give it to whoever tbh

Except most people don't derail, I swear those tv shows/documentaries always show the same dozen professional derailers who repeat the same things for their 15 minutes of fame because they know it's what angry boomers want to hear.

There is an entire sub devoted to people who fall off the rails with new trains falling off the tracks every day.

The fuck you smoking.

An "entire sub"!

Yeah, an entire sub where all the posts are definitely organic.

Posts are electronic data stored on solid state or magnetic medium, they are not made from carbon and hydrogen.

Fuckin nerd! 🤓


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damn bro an entire subreddit?

yeah it’s called r/drama

guy points broad trend gets countered with anecdotes from a barely used sub

Never change /r/drama

anecdotes are real, statistics are not


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statistics based on people self-reporting things they are ashamed of tend to be pretty useless, especially when describing rolling trends. men won't even be honest about penis size.

wife(of naked picture fame) derailed, you all know her anecdotally. just like actually knowing a train 10 years ago, it's never quite as far from you as you think.

are experiencing health problems caused by trainsitioning, or do it because of social pressure. The ones who detrainsition because they regret it

those are things they regret about it, and that social pressure exists for them in more than one direction.

how far along the tracks do you have to get before they call it derailing? i think we've all taken a few too many stops at sissy hypno station and talked to the conductor about switching out the fuel, but if you truck along burning coal instead of diesal after spilling a bit does that count as a full derail?

I practically live in this sub and even I have no idea what I just read.

Thats because you cant read

The written word and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity. Reading is for plebes, pedos, and priests (he said redundantly).



Diesel-cels in shambles

I don't think we watched the same video. Why are you not validating their truths?


Its a minority of a minority too. Most people who detransition do it because they can no longer afford treatment, are experiencing health problems caused by transitioning, or do it because of social pressure. The ones who detransition because they regret it are rare.

They found 30 people who detransitioned becaue they regretted it. How many more are out there being forced to stay transitioned because they're afraid of the online downvotes? Makes you wonder.

They found 30 people who detransitioned becaue they regretted it

this is really problematic when you realize they said 45 murders last year was an epidemic.

I know it’s nearly an epidemic

Are you a choo choo?

No, I just like to see how much this sub seethes whenever anything pro-trains is said. And it seems like train stuff causes this sub to piss and shit itself constantly.

Sounds like a great use of ur time 👍

As good a use of my time as anyone else posting in this thread.

Yeah but the same time could be spent either coping n sneeding all over the thread or simply enjoying 😎 the derailing choo choo drama


Dramatards mad that Chad zero5urvivers protects 🏀🚆

Dramatards mad

Could have just ended the post there. I don’t know if this sub has always been this way and I’ve only recently started to see it or if this sub has gotten worse over the past few months but the amount of genuine asspain in this sub makes it seem unironically more fragile than places like SRD. At least places like SRD advertise themselves as places for pussies.

So many subs got banned when drama went private->approved-> public and the nature of the sub allows rightoids to be dumb without repercussion so it makes sense. Lack of pizza sperging and no pinging hurts diversity a lot too.

The one 🚂 freaking out commenting "shut up" over and over on every response is clearly demonstrating what a mentally healthy community the railyard is.

I gotta say I really enjoy the creativity the train "analogy" is taking on.

Also, is that any surprise?

Jannies banning words and the community creating a vast ecosystem of euphemisms in rebellion is one of the best r/Drama traditions

It really is a sight to behold.

That's why I never hated word censorship here. It actually forced y'all to be clever

True. Together with the unyielding support for maycide and bussy they're what makes this whole website usable.

Man I sound like a fucking redditeur.

Alllllll aboard the mentally ill express!!!

All this focus on trains. Smh. It's furries that are the real degenerate threat to society.

Furries at least pay taxes and have jobs to pay for their fursuits.

Tbh, of all the ret*rded internet communities, I think the furries would have the best luck at forming their own commune. Sew the field at day; sew the furry costumes at midday; frot and pretend they're all wolves at night.

I think why furry communities seem more, uh... well, not healthy, but cohesive, is because they're all basically the same within it. Communists all have different privileges and responsibilities, which always cause internecine rifts; and religious communes always say they're not rape cults, and then blow up because raping children is still illegal. But when you're sad, human, balding, and doused in sweat within the mascot costume your mom helped you make, you can take solace in the fact that the guy who's just barely penetrating you with the human penis dangling out of his Donald Duck fursuit is also going through what you're going through.

It's like being in a family.

This was way more true in the past, and even then not really. Nowadays, furry, trains (furries were always LGB but never invested much in public transport outside of fetish art until recently), and communist venn diagrams are just a circle. It's made the community way more divisive and toxic as fuck, plus even more groom-y than before.

Think about what happened to nerd/geek culture between 2000s DND and fake ADHD queer band kids in 2016 and multiply it by 3.

Even white supremacists get into arguments over miscegenation with the glorious Nipponites. Maybe we'll never have true unity under any flag? Even something as perfect as Islam is split into at least two sects

To give the rightoids credit, I’ve seen libertarians, white supremacists, black supremacists, fundamental islamists and neocons come together to dunk on woke people

The only unity humanity will ever get is when everyone is in a fursuit

Huh. So that's how your last weekend went I presume?

implying I have sex

Lol, only Lawlz among us has sex with anyone



You're crazy if you think Uncle Sam gets his cut when some delusional artist takes a $60 commission for their digital "NyteWing" drawing of some bisexual spiralcocked pigeon with PTSD and gender fluidity.

$60 for a furry commission? Add a couple of 0's to that, buddy.

It's beyond that, I'm convinced there's some secret cabal of furries giving eachother insider trading tips or something, there's no way a basement dwelling porn addict could afford to drop $2k a month on fursuits and artist commissions, and there's no way well-adjusted financial managers are jerking off online long enough to fall down the furry rabbithole.

From what I hear, it's a form of money laundering, because furries make bank at cons selling drugs.


bro if you knew that you would make a hot girl you would choo choo immediately don't even stunt.

You'd be surprised how much those communities are linked together and I'm not talking about just porn and anime addiction either.

First girl in the clip is cute af but you can tell she's crazy.

She also made a really gawky twink, I can see why she detransitioned. Going from an 8-9 to a 5-6 would suck.

lmao she really did.

Crazy 7 > boring 8


On the Hot /Crazy Matrix she's only slightly in the Danger Zone. Would.

Damn your standards are mad low

Post body

Old user is u\comeandseemeforonce (replace slash with correct one)

Here you go, my old account that you can comb through. Has body pics and prof pic is my body. It’s banned so not sure if you can pull it up.

Imgur link:

4 year old pic but same body right now.

he did it the absolute madman

and I'm mirin'

What workout are you doing for the lowest abs? I cannot seem to get any definition there. Currently doing 50-100 situps daily (skipping weekends).

Nothing and I mean nothing will make lower abs come out except for diet and/or cardio (being on a continuous caloric deficit). You gotta be lean to have definition. I do hanging leg raises though to work them, 3 sets of 10 probably twice a week.

I'm extremely lean. I'm sorta bulky in that area, though. I think it's from skateboarding. The muscles over my thigh bones are thick as fuck and basically override any definition for the lowest abs. I'll have to try the leg raises, thanks

Don't dunk on my cute crazy girls.

Some of us gotta pick up the 5s and 6s

BBC World recently did a whole series on this subject. It was pretty critical of locomotive culture too, or at least the people they interviewed were. It was kind of interesting.

The Bongs occasionally get something right (but never in the kitchen, I'm pretty sure English 'cuisine' is some obscure form of self-flagellation) and the official take on rail service is one of those rare times they're not doing something stupid.

it's terf central too

Oi mate u wanna flava ya fishnchips uppa wid sum salt and peppar and live a liddle lad?

its salt and vinegar, smh ill informed burgers

Everything in English cuisine seems to be boiled in some way. I know some people will argue that fish and chips are fried, but to the English that's just boiling in oil instead of water.


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I listened to it on the radio in the car, but I'm almost certain it was called "Detrainsitioners". Only not the word 'train' obviously.

Edit: I found it. Looks like it's only two episodes, so much for it being a 'series', but that's what they called it on the radio...

Yeah, I edited my comment with a link just moments before you found it. I remember in the second episode they talk about how testosterone had a permanent effect on the woman's voice.

The $575,000 janitor is about to be spamming the FCC

and then complained to the doctor that he didn't ask enough questions before prescribing testosterone

On one hand she's correct, on the other hand this is her fault and she shouldn't need to rely on others to stop her from her own poor decision making.

oh i was kinda hoping it would be actual train crashes :/

Im so over this culture war shit tbh.

There's a great article in a Kraut newspaper today, about how some topics have just become verboten to discuss, and what it means for democracy. Its way too brainy for redditeurs, but it was actually pretty depressing to read, because it will just fall on deaf ears and be seen as "hate speech".

This is why uncle Ted was right by the way.

Gimme the link, fellow Kraut and Ted connoisseur!

Thank you uncle Ted. I won't read it though because industrial Society chose to make articles free online, but then burdened Humanity by forcing paywalls upon us.

Ah that sucks. It was free when I read it.

I'm glad they released this banger before the ufo thing

Loco motives


Who would have guessed performing irreversible surgery at a young age would be a bad idea.

Let me guess what Twitter is like:

not all trains want to derail. It's dangerous to say something like that!

but when it comes to men:

ALL MEN ARE <insert_bad_thing>! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Tf you mean "let me guess"? Does your high school wi-fi block Birdapp?

Wow sweaty there's a lot to unpack here.

It's bad enough to be from Ohio and worse still to be a "Buckeye Fan!", but what's really bad is this hatefilled attitude you're projecting.

Do you need to cuddle bb?

Volcel if you wouldn't.


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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