(Not drama) In what looked like a potentially dramatic event, the girly men of r Mens Rights fought the manly girls of r TwoX in a battle of "what about". TwoX post was strangely deleted, Mens Rights one is still up.

1  2021-05-25 by busslordlowkeybussin


Incels vs the incels

The war between lifeless MRA eunuchs and those with... ""two"" X chromosomes will never end. They're fundamentally opposed.

Neckbeards vs Legbeards

You don’t know two X chromosomes right? It’s full of neckbeards too 🤣🤣😭😭

Deer men only. Elk men go on ahead.

wtf did i just watch

Deer girl

Yes, deer "girl" alright.


This is something my dad would send me.

I got it from a boomer actually

Wuddup buck

Busslord keeping us on life support 🤗



This but unironically. Rape victims are annoying because they complain all the time.

Lmao snappy quote this 👌👌

This but unironically. Rape victims are annoying because they complain all the time.

Imagine getting your comment removed for this lmao

It’s just too much baggage to be worth it. I got enough mental problems of my own without having to deal with someone else’s

It’s kinda horrible but true basically. I don’t have the time or compassion or willpower to deal with someone else’s baggage. Bad ending for both of us.

Both are probably valid tbh.

Both subs are probably filled by men too lmao

Are you really still a man though if you spend all day whining online about how online women say mean things about you and cope-posting about it an MRA sub?


I feel like there was a huge wave of incel drama 2 or 3 years ago and ever since then the battle of the genders has been lame and uneventful. All everybody talks about these days are about transgender politics.

All the incels got jannied


Lurk more newfriend I’m not gonna tell u 🥰

dear men, if a girl, stay away.

Men's rights has some of the dumbest users on the site.

Better than the literal betas at menslib

Idk which ones are the biggest betas tbh

Is there an actual subreddit that's on the dude's side per definition? Something like bill burr followers maybe?

It's called MGTOWWOM

That made me laugh. Thanks man

Gotta have each other's backs

I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. (Not drama) In what looked like a p... - archive.org, archive.today*

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TwoX is unironically the Nazi Germany of subreddits. The Askwomen reddit is the fascist Italy counterpart to it.

L I T E R A L L Y 1984

Nah lol, more like 1938. ;-)

I am pretty sure a lot of TwoX posters also hang out on lolcow (dot) farm nowadays.


Huh, I thought drama was cucked out of posting reddit screenshots

Am I supposed to remove this?



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The social ineptitude full circle of plebbit