Canadian attorney general caught in train wreck

1  2021-05-25 by GreifiGrishnackh


Forgot about this beautiful woman. I wonder which lawyer is gaslighting her into thinking these lawsuits have any chance of working.

I just realized, but isn't it ironic how 🧩🧠 are a "large" part of railroad connoisseurs, and also a large part of actual literal railroad aficionados?

I was saving this idea for a joke when the opportunity struck now its ruined

Womp womp

lol at that Twitter profile photo.

More filters than astronomers looking at the sun. And more photoshop than 9/11 footage.

I can't get that gross vagina pic out of my head, but what is she suing for now?

something to kill time during lockdown

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Canadian attorney general caught in... -,*

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