DDR is literally a murderer

1  2021-05-25 by -M-o-X-


"study" by a 🐕🧠


Holy shit. Now THAT is based.

probably should have studied a few more elections than just that one

Damn you mean a single before and after of one instance isn't a sufficient control when studying a recurring event? The only areas left with any academic rigor seem to be the hard sciences and math. Even engineering gets flooded with falsified Chinese research papers now.

There's too many "academics" nowadays tbh. Just supply and demand, the demand for topics to study grows, but the supply doesn't, so academicels have to dig for more and more moronic far-fetched topics. Leading to academia producing an unprecedented amount of material, but the vast majority of it is badly done trash. Its prolly not quite as bad in medicine, but among pol-sci-cels, the average article is read by a whole two people. Because there's way too much articles, and most of them are also utter trash.

Between this and the 'rona, Daddy's legacy is probably the closest we'll ever get to mayocide.