(Not drama) The South will rise again.

1  2021-05-25 by busslordlowkeybussin


what the fuck

Soon brother. Soon.


I hate when "inshallah" has already been written by someone else half a day ago 😔

Why am I getting intense deja vu rn


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Please, please let this happen

The Knowledge Fight episodes would be amazing

It must happen

Alex Jones' rants have resulted in some of the greatest remixes of modern times.

This is the one you were looking for. Much better... https://youtu.be/NoOFeTi8rG8

I think Alex Jones would unironically be a step up compared to Abbott

At least alex isn't lazy to the point of always sitting...

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. (Not drama) The South will rise aga... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Stone for VP!

Daily required reminder that Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Donald J Trump, Donald Trump Jr and Jerry Falwell Jr are all literal cuckolds.

EDIT: Also both Donald’s were cuck*d by their bodyguard, please discuss this here.

Yeah that's not a coincidence it's science


I've been looking for that article forever but just could not find it 😁😁


Roger Stone's wife got blacked before it was cool.

Manafort was pimping out his wife to some illiterate Redditor[forward slash]international criminal. About 10% of the reason I'm on this sub is because I'm desperate to get new updates, though the story's been cold now for, like, 18 months



Plz don't say my trigger words.

If I hear those words, I HAVE TO learn more about the man behind the Donk.

Please, somebody, anybody: give me an update on Manafort's bull. If he died from COVID, I don't think I could ever look at ardrama again.

Sorry I desperately need some context here. Can you provide some light reading/smut for my evening entertainment?

Google ardrama donk fest lol. Can't link much on here anymore

Zero results and reddit's search is also coming up blank but no surprise there.

Strangely, now that I look, I can't find any on ardrama anymore. https://www.google.com/search?q=austin%20donk%20fest%20Reddit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m still up on places like the Austin sub


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Please let Alex Jones show up to a televised debate, that's all I want.

Imagine the dtama we could farm if daddy jones won 😳

Holy Fuck YES

Now we need Tariq to run for governor of Cali.

We already have our Kween Caitlyn running

Texas needs to hit rock bottom to open its eyes, in order to begin recovery. This would be rock bottom.

Did xe get banned?

At least Alex can stand up for Texans.

He would be way better than James traficant!! Beam me up.. mr speaker!!!

Gay frogs!

this is good meme-ly(?) but if he were the actual governor i would scream (in joy)