A lolcow is born in Jerusalem.

1  2021-05-25 by snallygaster


Strongest Palestinian vs. Weakest American. Who would win?

The stoppable force vs. the unmoving chub.. Hard to say...

I think the odds are pretty good on the man being protected by dozens of armed israeli police

Yakub Fauci

I can't even imagine what sort of abomination this man could create.



Is that Sam Hyde?

Perfect Guy Life.

The real Dr Fauci

Pissraeli government: "We are not stealing land!"

Yacoub: "If I don't steal your land someone else will!"

This man unironically is doing more for the Palestinian cause than any white teenage girl with "StandForPalestine" on her bio. The israeli government will have to deport him back to Long Island to stop him from putting his foot in his mouth again on camera

how do you spell, "boogie" in yiddish or whatever language they speak

He also bought a Palestinian keffiyeh to play dressup. https://t.co/utqjiOydEU

No, actually I'm trying to score one of those "burqa babes" from Beit Shemesh....❤

Lmao what an entertaining buffoon.

Is that Vaush?

What a guy.

Watch out hamas.

Snally is back! Allah Akbar!!!!

God bless us all!

What an entertaining guy

Literally who

maybe if you clicked the link you would see "who" you fucking imbicile

What link?

Eh as someone from long island this isn’t surprising

It's pretty beautiful how well he represents his two communities
