The conclusion is inescapable. We must return to the practice in the Elizabethan era, when all the female characters were played by fay men in drag.

1  2021-05-26 by SandorClegane_AMA


Once the actors started making some money and couldn't be treated like shit, the show really went downhill.

during filming, d&d wrote intimate scenes between margaery and tommen, at the time the actor who played tommen was 16 and natalie dormer was 33. she even demanded further scenes between the characters to be changed because they were uncomfortable.

Problem with a television show, I guess: actors getting a say in what should happen in the plot. Solution: Maggie Gyllenhaal them. Hell, race-change them, as a way of telling the actors nobody is safe. Nobody watched GoT for the acting.

we lost so much bros...

Nobody watched GoT for the acting.

Tywin, Tyrion and Varys were all good. Everyone else was fine at best.

Lena Headey as Cersei was great until they didn’t know what to do with her in the final seasons.

Good point. Sometimes I forget how much the quality dropped off. Even Tyrion wasn't great towards the end.

A recording of the panel, which has since been put online, also tapes Dan cracking jokes about the time a mother became uncomfortable when she overheard him planning numerous shots of her baby son’s penis.

But is it just the actors who are the problem ? 🤔

This is what WB did with Cavill. He asked for more money so they told him to fuck off and are making a new black Superman movie now.

I thought it was the writers. Tail end of season 5. I don't really understand. GOT the nudity even the sexual violence was done tastefully because it illustrated a point, in most cases. As an actor or model your basically a tool and your job is to bring the story to life. The story is not about you but your character. Not sure if she is being taken out of context.

I like how that horror is that someone "made a comment about her dress". Wow so scary, I bet that was really traumatising.

I think we need to protect women from this horrible harassment. They should only be allowed in public in company of a trusted male to defend them, and should only wear concealing clothing that completely protects them from the male gaze.

Ideally they should work from home, or better yet at home, by utilising the female compassion to raise and educate the next generation, empowering the girls and alphabets and teaching the boys to be better.

based and regression-pilled

They should just wear a bhurka and can only go outside with a male guardians

Imagine how clueless you gotta be to let your baby "act" in anything and think you get to complain when they treat him badly.

Although I have to say, a real block of ice? Lmao that just seems cruel

"Dan we need more shots of that baby's junk for "plot" reasons "

I will admit that thread is pretty hilarious. GRRM be thirsting.

I wonder if she genuinely thinks she was waterboarded for 10 hours. 🤔

Which means she doesnt understand what waterboarding really means.

You’ll realize that actors are notoriously stupid people if you’ve ever been around them for a long period of time.

Esme Bianco (Ros) survived both Marilyn Manson and GoT. That's tough.

Lol at GRRM enjoying the privleges of the movie industry. All those guys love the casting process, they did GRRM dirty by singling him out.

I read a rumour ages ago that Emilia Clarke did the casting couch to get the job but dunno if it was real.

I for one would have probably wanted to fuck original Dany more than her crazy-ass-eyebrows successor.

edit: especially when you compare Tamzin to Emily's disgusting bong phenotype

all of the white women in these photos look physically ill

is that just what they look like

doesnt mean you wouldnt have sexual congress with them.

I bet the production really wanted to get into method acting.

Wow. That was the most white woman nonsense I’ve seen in one place for some time.




Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. The conclusion is inescapable. We m... -,*

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All real doll cast

Here's a thought, if actors and actresses really can leverage their stature to avoid scenes they don't want or get the plot reworked to suit them, wouldn't that lead to Hollywood being more exploitative?

If big actors won't do certain types of scenes because they are uncomfortable then those roles will fall exclusively to no name actors and actresses. And directors will be motivated to exclusively hire new talent and/or stymie the careers of up and comers so they don't gain the clout to influence the script.

Yeah, no, you are bad at deducing things.

What's your theory then chief?

The American public is going to voluntarily give up sexy escapism?


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I wish the writers loved the show half as much as this woman hates it.