After John Cena's fall from grace, one white girl auditions to fill up the void in the WWE roster. Despite proving she can take a lot of punishment, it does not end well.

1  2021-05-26 by busslordlowkeybussin


Charges were filed


Throwback clip of this iconic fight at another theme park (Disneyland).

I mean Zackary also used racial slurs but I guess that don’t matter

You guessed right.

assault on a peace officer

assault on an EMT

persistent disorderly conduct while intoxicated

Something tells me the words "what are you going to do, arrest me?" were uttered.

drops pants exposes bussy


"But officer, he said words that hurt my feelings"

Regardless of who started it, fuck dude who broke the ceasefire. Everyone was dispersing and you light that shit back on fire?

It's hard to tell, since it's off screen, but it looks like he was going for that woman?

I think that's the guy that got arrested.

Watching fights in places where people shouldn't be fighting is great, the miami airport one is good too.

Excuse me but that was the Fort Lauderdale International Airport. 💅🏿

Miamicels stealing Broward County trashy valor 😠

Was it you who said they love watching trashy people fight? I've been guided by those words since.

Could have been literally any of us.

Word Star was a cultural icon.

Throwback clip of this iconic fight

"Find the person with a healthy BMI" challenge

I don't know if her BMI is healthy, but that one is thicc.

Also lol @ the crowd only intervening when he assaults her.

She's 23!? I really thought it was a geriatric in the video

Ohio 23, which is 70 anywhere else without heroincels

damn dude, di you just make me watch some chick die?

Lol it's not quite the mayocide we all want but it'll do for now. She can walk it off, she survived.

She didn't, unfortunately 😭

The way the yt girl got flipped and landed on her head, oof. Looked like a legit wrestling move.

It was a double leg but girlie decided to land with the back of her head

We really need to teach women Wrestling defense

Do burgers really?

Here's my guess of what's happening:

So it seems like red suit probably used the n-word or something.

The crowd was trying to get to her and the white guys shielded her.

Lifeguards and other staff go to break it up and the crowd starts to disperse.

White dude takes a cheap shot and whole thing blows up.

White girl gets easily flipped by black guy when attacking him, luckily her face broke her fall.

Drunk white dudes seem to be taking swings at medical staff (?)

All in all pretty spicy. Seems like red bathing suit not only broke her face but copped some charges. Sucks to suck.


Same old video. White girl wasted already has a bloody face before the Winged Hussar goes off-screen to a punch some girl.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did a great job filming this.

Footage shows the 23-year-old, who is studying to be a police officer, as she is hurled head-first into the ground while around ten people in swimsuits trade punches with each other.

Silly girl couldn't wait until she got a badge before picking fights with unarmed black people.


Damn that was a Mortal Kombat finisher

I’m on the darker gentlemen’s side for this one


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