John Cena Apologizes To China By Body-Slamming A Uighur Muslim

1  2021-05-26 by 911roofer


As a pro wrestler, John Cena knows he needs top secret immortality juice from China if he has any desire to make it past 50.

Powder of form Endanger animal 25 hour erection auspicious vitality good for healthy premium herbal medical supply very low take caution!!!

the virgin Qin mercury immortality potion vs. the chad CCP rhinoceros horn

There has to be a niche sub for Amazon products from Chinese resellers. Reading those pages it's such half ass translated English.


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As usual, the Boomer Bee starts out with a good headline and just drives it into the ground with the article itself.

They should take a note from The Onion and only post the headlines at this point.

reading the articles

That's what you get for being a nerd


Who said I even read?

Alexer, order corn.

crocker bargle


Haha aren't we quirky and witty like the leftists 😎✌️

You read the article?

Enjoying the article despire everyone bashing the text as fireworks

What have I become?

If they didn't post an article under the headline there would be anything for Snopes to "fact check."

Sometimes I get John Cena and Channing Tatum mixed up.

stop bragging about your sex life

Sorry 😔

i'm pretty sure channing tatum is a woman

First bee article in awhile where the content was just as good as the title

Lol you really thought that? Damn this sub is shit now

Fuck I'm old.

You should be happy it's shit. You wouldn't have been allowed in these hallowed halls of bussy when we had standards.

That’s odd cuz I certainly thought that I was posting at the time. Must’ve been deluded

It's a shame this controversy will overshadow his prolific charity work but that's what happens when you're a little bitch.

And his name is 约翰·塞纳!!!

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. John Cena Apologizes To China By Bo... -,*

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I don't give a shit.

All the legitimate drama I post, and this is what get 400 points. Reddit is weird.




You can't see me!

Babylon Bee getting love from dramanauts is yet more proof of horseshoe theory 🐴👠