Bongistan's highest government officials think of themselves in terms of memes from Burgerland movies

1  2021-05-26 by JimieWhales


He told MPs: “You know that Spider-Man meme, both the Spider-Mans pointing at each other? It’s like that but with everybody ... all the different Spider-Mans are pointing at each other saying ‘you’re responsible’.”

This is what has become of a 1000 year-old kingdom that once controlled a world-spanning empire: reduced to verbally referencing twitter memes in a Parliamentary enquiry. The only thing sadder than posting memes is explaining a meme out loud.

This is what has become of a 1000 year-old kingdom that once controlled a world-spanning empire

They couldn't even completely subjugate the Scots, let alone the Ir*sh, and you think they were impressive?

It's like that meme where it's like a guy wearing a mask but he's crying on the inside.

That’s kinda pathetic yeah

Cummings is a true dramanaught though.

He ran the Brexit campaign, not because he was pro-Brexit, but simply because he detests modern politics and wanted to cause trouble.

Kinda based.

ngl it's pretty funny watching Cummings throw Bojo under his Brexit Bus.

But also: "It's crackers you put idiots like us in charge!" is a hell of a campaign slogan

Sounds cool. What’s his party?

He doesn't really have one. He's historically worked more for the Conservatives, but has worked with bipartisan groups before.