California homeless woman attacks, robs mother in bathroom while at soccer game with her kids, police say

1  2021-05-26 by 911roofer


California homeless woman

Enough is enough OP. The gaslighting has to stop. Homeless aren't people and we need to stop using terms that imply they are.

Neither are Californians.

No wonder the 🚂’s are so quick to claim it’s hard to find proof of them attacking women in bathrooms. Every time they do it, they’re identified by police and publications as women.

That term is incredibly offensive. I will not stand for this bigotry, please edumacate yourself. The correct phrase is ‘person experiencing homelessness’.

I don't think anything is wrong with the word 'Californian' to describe that



She deserved it for living in such a wretched place

Riverside is truly a hell upon Earth

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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