Anti-vaxxer tries to “car of peace” a vaccination site with an SUV.

1  2021-05-26 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


didn't even hit anyone. rightoids are inferior to muslims in every single way. can't thot patrol like they do, can't drive like they do, can't even keep their religious traditions alive, and all their wives cheat on them. I see why they don't convert, they know they are lesser than the islamist chads.

Covid spreads pretty easily in prisons so she'll get it in no time

Man that lady respects the troops like I respect raccoons, but with worse aim.

There are hotter ways to dispose of raccoons

Yeah but I don't keep a gun in my car and people get mad about their cats winding up in my traps on the side of the road

Think warmer

What do you think happens to the ones I live trap

Make cute little dolls out of em like the other drama poster

Actually I release them on a small private island in a lake near me owned by someone who annoys me

911, yes, I got a BASED emergency to phone in.

Send a few to ewe. He'd appreciate them I'm sure.

Jesus that’s rough. It’s gotta be a train right? Or she decided to glue pubes to her face?

iconic face

Jfc lmao is this real

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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