You don't get flairs anymore, sorry

1  2021-05-27 by pewkiemuffinboo

The admins deleted our entire sprite sheet for our flairs to get rid of a few bad ones and since the flairs were made like ten years ago no one has any of the original files for even the non-bad ones we had (like 30ish total?)

So no flairs for you unless someone wants to re-make 50 tiny flairs that are of current year acceptability.


The admins really have a special place in their hearts for us.

I'd just like to chime in that jk Rowling is a fucking quack with no originality

She stole the birth of Harry Potter from the Bible. A miraculous boy harry (jesus) survives death by voldemort (king herod)

She then plagiarized mostly tame fantasy stuff from the 80s too that I can deep dive into

Thanks for coming to my phoneposting shit post talk totally unrelated to OP but I can't self post reee

That's okay, I never had one anyway :(

On a side not, to any admin reading this sub, what the heck do you think of this? Do you think this is remotely fair or sane? Are you brave enough to confront a giga-jannie further up the chain to protest? Or do you not even care?

Maybe finally people realise staying on reddit is like still staying with your wife after her bull already moved in, and you don't even get access to the bedroom and has to sleep on the couch. But there is an escape from this situation and it's called