Having finally processed the fact DDR is a billionaire, DDD decides to label himself as the "6 trillion dollar man". The acclaimed economists of Twitter discuss this revelation.

1  2021-05-27 by busslordlowkeybussin


This is so funny cause this is almost immediately after he said he’s not paying a dime of any r-lur college student’s debt 😂

Lmao didn't even consider that angle. Imagine getting debtcucked by DDD. He's literally a findom at this point.

Who's my little paypig? You are! Yeah, you are!

State mandatory only fans and state reinforced fascist homosexuality. 2024.

As long as not a single dime of that goes to a freshman who unironically tells people they are majoring in pre med, I will be happy

Well yeah a lot of them are majoring in Pre Med. Like that BA in Biology is worth anything as a fall back call a spade a spade.

He should pay off the national denbt by doubling every college-cels debt.


A trillion bucks here, a trillion bucks there, sooner or later it adds up to real money.

May Allah forgive me for Frenchposting

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value —- zero.”


Soytaire sneeding about paper money

On brand.

Tbf he had to do something in between the copious amounts of rape all French people engage in.

Voltaire was a proto-redditor.


How else would they reproduce? Even in the fairy tale the frog turns into a prince after just a kiss, so even in fantasy the f0ids wouldn't fuck them.


Fr*nch 🤢🤢

Voltaire confirmed for crypotard. This is good news for cybershekels!

I mean he was trying to say this hundreds of years ago and nothing happened, kinda seems like he was bullshittin.

Oh no now we will have vuvuzela levels of inflation

Can’t wait to spend the next 4 years of fear mongering from people whose knowledge of economics is limited to knowledge of supply-demand curves in a vacuum.

Oh no now we will have vuvuzela levels of inflation

Can’t wait to spend the next 4 years of fear mongering from people whose knowledge of economics is limited to knowledge of supply-demand curves in a vacuum.

T. Boomer gold and silver holder since the 90' 😎✌️

Unfortunately, the time to get into metals was over 20 years ago.

Unfortunately, the time to get into metals was over 20 years ago.

The time to get into fiat dollars is unironically now, it's backed by the most powerful army in the world that will shoot you if you don't accept them 😎

I'm by no means a fiat-pusher, but I have my doubts about the current monetary system.

Have metals managed to beat out the stock market in that timespan.

I love how pointing out the fact that printing money at never before seen rates will increase inflation is 'fear mongering'

What's your educational background by the way? I mean aside from chronic serious posting on reddit and getting a 1st rate education from arr neoleeb ofc

I have a doctorate in fucking your mom and a masters in fucking your dad



do you think printing 6 trillion dollaroos for the fun of it will have consequences or naahh?

They don't need to print. They just borrow more money from weebland.

SMH taking 4 whole years just to fuck OP's mom. Most of us do it on our lunch break.

Lmao "printing money" some pleb doesn't know the lifecycle of money 😂😂😂 holy shit so dumb

it's a figure of speech

It's a shit one, and economically illiterate

Rising inflation along with already increasing home values are going to fuck up the housing market.

Yeah if your going through a bad time you need to increase spending to revitalize the economy it hurts you more in the long run to be austere. Then when the economy booming you can tighten the belt in preparation for future issues.

Except the later hasn't been done since the Clinton years. So the hope is that you die before the country can't sustain its spending.


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This stuff makes more sense when you realize the GOP has fabricated an alt-reality where the US budget works like a personal government to convince people social spending is bad.

It's also funny they always try to frame tax-cuts as a net gain to the government for that very reason, too.

They know tax cuts will blow up the federal budget so they have to sell them as gains.

If anything US federal spending has been too low for too long. We've neglected vital parts of our infrastructure, economy, education system (which is infrastructure, despite what rightoids keep saying) and so on.

It gets even worse when you realize to what extent we've neglected soft infrastructure as well. I'm worried the GOP is gonna be successful in framing "infrastructure" only as bridges and roads and nothing else, which is just wildly inaccurate/absurd.

The US should generally start funding

  • universal pre-K.

  • Providing generous day-care subsidies.

  • investing heavily in hard infrastructure/job training programs.

  • rural infrastructure reform/job training to help the ruralcels (I hate them, but I also understand why they're perpetually enraged)

  • Converting as much of the economy to green energy as possible and shifting. (you could probably do this with rural America, tbh)

Funny enough, Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed on something about this a while ago that truly shows to what extent the woman understood policy and how knowledgable she actually was:


So is Lima, Ohio. Hundreds of people work at the city’s Abrams tank factory. Even though General Ray Odierno, then chief of staff of the U.S. Army, told legislators in 2012, “We don’t need the tanks,” Congress kept the factory open. It’s true that the plant’s workers and their community have devoted themselves to protecting the United States, and the country absolutely must keep faith with them. It’s also true that the military still doesn’t need the tanks. But if the United States is to get serious about climate change, what it does need are more factories to churn out clean electric vehicles. The Pentagon alone should replace most of its fleet of 200,000 nontactical vehicles with electric. Some of those new vehicles could be built in Lima, which is already home to a large Ford engine factory. And that’s just one possibility. If Washington decides to boost domestic production of next-generation electric batteries, wind turbines, and other strategically significant products, Northwest Ohio is a natural place to do it.

I could keep going, but yeah.

Stop serious posting lefty 🤮

> imagine not recognizing pizzashill your risen lord on first sight.

noooooooooo you have to hide behind a layer of irony like a pussy very funny person like the rest of us


That's a lot of words

It really is Pizza

he can't stay away, he loves us and hates himself in equal measure.

I could keep going, but yeah.

Yeah please don't. Youre clogging up my carrier pigeons, preventing me from reading the 200 other "its finally over for <x>-cel" messages, which are an order of magnitude more interesting than your ramblings.

Can we get a bot that summarizes pizzas ramblings? I have neither time nor concentration to go through all that.

its like a subreddit simulator from default subs

Laffer-curve is a joke, military-industrial complex is a joke. Also some shit about green energy.

I could keep going, but yeah.

No shit?

how about they federally fund your testoterone level

Didn't read 😎

What you haven’t considered yet is that functionally, a federal debt is a celibate economy doesn’t directly, but inversely, imparts value within a system.

in 2014, the dyson v8absolute was released onto carpets across America, even though it was well known by top Millitary officials that “America didn’t need vacuums anymore.”

That directly proves my point that you the best of all time we are in a bed and I just don’t have a lot to worry about it because it’s not too much to me and I’m just trying to make sure I get to the gym lol I don’t have a clue what I’m gonna say lol I don’t have any time for that I just think I’m going on the phone and I’m not sure if it’s ok I don’t have a lot to say about that it was a lot better l got the middle of infrastructural projects that could, but maybe not, possibly result in an upheaval of our current industrial processes.

I could keep going, but yeah

The post office needs a huge new fleet of mail trucks, the old ones are way past their planned lifespan.

They should repurpose that factory to make electric and hybrid mail wagons.

dollar is finally going to crash and I'm going to be alive to see it


This should be pretty good since they consider paying peoples rent infrastructure building. I'm guessing there will be around $50 billion towards highways/roads/damns and then $400 billion to daycare and housing vouchers.

good daycare helps keep kids from eating lead paint and turning into dramautists later in life.

shit's an investment that pays for itself.


Dementia Daddy doesn't care about debt it's not like he's gonna be alive long enough to have to watch it be repaid 😂😂😂

✈️✈️✈️✈️ Dementia "Kamakazi" Daddy ✈️✈️✈️✈️

Not enough. We need 6 trillion of spending a month

Yeah, 6 trillion dollars of spending financed by money that comes from essentially nowhere should increase inflation (MV=PQ, increase in M with constant V and Q)...

That being said, anyone who says the traditional economic theories still apply is either blind or deluding themselves into thinking Daddies Milton and Maynard can explain whatever the fuck is going on now.

Leftoids on Twitter will pretend they are professional economists to justify spending, righties on Twitter (or did they all get evicted to Parler?) will pretend they are professional economists to justify the take that spending = inflation on a 1:1 basis (bc they aren't the ones doing the spending now). Tale as old as time.

t. econcel