New ammosexual cult just dropped

1  2021-05-27 by Woolgun


The property, located in the small community of Thornton, 40 miles from Waco,

Here we go again...

Must be something with the water supply in that area.



25-30 years seems like the standard timeframe for remakes in American culture so it seems like Waco Reignited is indeed due.

Anyone wanna start a betting pool on whether this'll end up in ritual mass suicide, or a shoot-out?

I love reboots

Well ATF, you going to get your balls back?

When the dogs stop playing fetch.

They're about to close the "arm brace" SBR loophole so my money's on yes.

Lol no they aren't

Oh fuck yea I love these dudes. I hope their compound is big and cool.

What they’re doing seems very gay

Your mom did too, at first...

What they are doing is exactly what I wish I was doing but with less cult worship


It is probably going to be set up like a battlefield for when the feds btfo them


I can see Space Laser Lady and Inbred Mommy moving in and being the queens of this cult.

Holy shit the dude is the son of the Moonies guy. crazy ass cult for real.

Rofl wow, when I read the article lead I thought the last name was just a coincidence. This is literally going to be Moonies 2: Rightoid Boogaloo. What an interesting twist.

Edit: holy fuck the madman has 16 kids

Holy shit me and a few friends glanced the boundary of the compound and like the guys in a literal golf cart came to meet us lol

Rofl dude, that place is smack dab in the middle of the TX triangle. It's like 2 hours from every major city in the area. Did you drive all the way out there or do you live relatively close?

No Rev Moon (the elder) had a compound on the outskirts of Stamford


How long until they get yalled by the AFT

black hammer fuming rn lmfaooo


YES!!! 😍😍😍😍😍


Waco 2: QAnon Boogaloo

Picture with a thousand words and yet, I find myself without a thing to say.

led by Pastor Hyung Jin β€œSean” Moon

ohhhh diversity in cultist lunatics that's fun

He’s the son of the founder of the moonies you mongoloid. A cult that started in Korea.

Hammer city: Mayonnaise edition


When Black Hammer gets outdone by these guys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Church of Roof Koreans? Seems pretty based tbh

So it is a LARP right? They don't actually believe this stuff, right?

I don't like the...zipties? Through the chamber? I'm not sure, maybe its just decoration.

Also, get all your crowns from the same dollar store so it looks uniform. What is this, amateur hour?


Based and Kahrpilled πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«

God I love Koreans

Moonies are still a thing?

He founded the church with the support of his brother, Kook-jin β€œJustin” Moon, the CEO of Kahr Arms, a gun manufacturing company headquartered nearby.

Is there anybody easier to grift than wh*tey?

I don’t think so! πŸ˜‚




Oh man, I thought this would be in a country other than the U.S. Haha just kidding, I didn’t. Gotem.

This is the constitution of The United States of Cheon Il Guk.

Wonder what will happen first Waco 2.0 or pedophilia charges. Or both.

Gun Moonies!
