Matt Gaetz sets his eye on the highest position a pedophile can hold in this country.

1  2021-05-27 by The_Live_Ghost


Why would he want to be a Reddit admin?

So he can censor the libs and act like that's an improvement, duh

He is doing this to make his future indictment look more like a political hitjob. How much do you think it will work?

Holy shit I didn't even think about that lmao.

I mean, it won't work but that's a pretty smart idea to rally his base.

Holy shit I didn't even think about that lmao.

10 years ago I wouldn’t have thought about it either and if I did I would have thought it was too stupid to even consider. The bar for the new wave of rightoid politicians has set the bar really low however so now even this seems plausible. It will definitely work on his base though, and considering that IIRC you can still run for president while in prison, it happened back in the 1910’s I think, it is a viable way to keep him relevant for a while.

it happened back in the 1910’s I think

Yeah that was Eugene Debs

Caligula mde a horse senator

All it really takes to rally those further to the right is make up an unfalsifiable claim about something being corrupt, and then say "prove THAT wrong, libtards". Conservatives think that's somehow a win, they eat that shit up. Saying things like that is why Republicans tend to drag around herds of double-digit IQ mouth-breathers who worship them no matter what they do, because these people literally never get past things that you can't logically falsify.

😂”smart idea”

Your kidding right


think it will work?

I’m already convinced.

Matt Gaetz thinks he is more popular than he is. I live in Florida and have never met someone who said they were a big fan.

I had literally never heard of this guy before this month. Idk why everyone cares so much about him, this is standard politician stuff, being a pedophile. Throw him in the trash and move on the the next sub-par politician just like we do with any other political figure that "comes out" as a pedo.

The reason why people are making such a big deal about it is that Matt Gaetz has basically been daddy's greatest cocksucker for a few years now. So when he got ousted as a 4chan user in another aspect, all the liberals grinned with glee. I don't think anyone has defended him, yet it allows them to call his entire party kid diddlers.

Isn’t it weird that people don’t care about rape anymore? Like ten years ago I feel like the allegations made against the Dementia Daddies and Gaetz would end their careers, for example Al Franken was about seven years ago right? Now they’re supported by the entire party uncritically

Edit: the Al Franken thing was only three years ago, it felt like an eternity. Maybe I’m thinking of a separate occasion with the hover hand photo getting posted a little bit before and then more stuff came later

Unironically a result of the MeToo movement, I would say. When everyone gets hit with child rape accusations just for being famous, especially politicans (Biden, Kavanaugh, Trump, Hillary and Bill), they basically don't mean anything anymore.

Add in an inundation with devalued accusations in the workplace and schools, and people get into that reverse psychology loop where even the legit stuff provokes the same skeptical responses. Gaetz is in all likelihood guilty here, but even now reporting that he's a child rapist (like Trump, Hillary, and Biden are!) instead of "we have reasonable proof suggesting he hired a 17 year old prostitute" is making the accusations seem baseless.

Aqusations of child trafficing are pretty hard to make on live tv without looking crazy.

Okay, gotcha. Idk how I never heard him mentioned before now.

Also to be fair, conservatives do the exact same thing every time a liberal pedo is uncovered and proclaim that every leftie is a pedophile.

At least conservatives are entertaining with it. Pizzagaetz is a lot less fun than the actual one.

Is he actually a pedo though? Looks like he paid a pimp for hoes, but the hoes were 17 without matt's knowledge.

But he's prob a pedo and definitely a mong

I’m sure that there’s a couple other people here, but you really think this sub of virgins is going to know what a monger is?

Seriously most posters (esp unapprovedcels and rentoids) here won’t even look at a SW, let alone pay one for some BBCIP meetup at a Motel 6.

Use words the simpletons understand.

I think this is part of the issue with the reporting here. It gets conflated with the Pizzagate bullshit rather than Bill Clinton sex in the oval office legit drama.


Kind of like Teddy, but they will still vote for him.

He's no Eugene Debs but by damn he'll run like him

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Matt Gaetz sets his eye on the high... -,*

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he’s going to become a discord admin?

As a rightoid, I don’t really believe he is guilty. Call me r-tarded or whatever, but I just don’t see Matt touching little girls, and I still have my doubts despite the evidence. In fact, I may never be fully convinced that he wasn’t diddlin’ little boys instead.

Let’s go for three in a row, America!