While all you morons were hand-wringing over low-effort twitter racebait, a pro-ana pro self-harm new age white nationalist apocalyptic e-girl discord zoomer cult blossomed on social media.

1  2021-05-28 by snallygaster

I don't even want to waste the time posting even brief summary because you all are too afflicted by internet poisoning to care about anything that you can't jack your dicks to and clearly nothing will get your shriveled peckers hard but sub-tariq twitter takes on race and the most boring šŸš‚ drama imaginable. The cult is called kaliacc. Go fuck yourselves you stupid assholes.


this is literally worse than a lawlzpost what happened to you snally ?

this is literally worse than a lawlzpost


Is it that time of the month baby? Why u so mad?


Snally, will you marry me?

I'm a sworn virgin so as to expedite the mayocide.

I will get a vasectomy and we can adopt a minority orphan of your choice

this is cuckholdry with extra steps

ooo lala, someone's going to get laid when they go to Prager University

Probably by Dennis Prager. But lets be honest that guy rapes or pays

Snally do you look like slightly like Jennifer Aniston but you are a wine abusing aunt? I think we are perfect for each other šŸ’˜

I'm a sturdier version of Lena Dunham.


dm me

Yum! Let's go homesteading to Alaska together, and start an inbred cult like the Mormons.

do you also smell like farts and cheeseburgers like lena

no, more like raw sewage.

lol no you aren't

you can't handle the TRUTH.

Go FTM and take a bride to double down


What about marrying one of God's chosen people?

I thought you had been gelded anyway?

Can I be #2 Wife? Also a minority.

[reformatted post from some other dude]:

this all dates back to some months ago, on twitter a popular "egirl" account gets outed and cancelled for her racists tweets, letā€™s call her ā€œVICTIM 1ā€, because everything revolves around the guy who supposedly groomer her into those beliefs, also promoting self harm and forced her and other young girls (around 13-17 of age) in self harming and starving theirselves.

it appears to be a 20 year old russian man living in the States into his pretending to be a teenager to promote his self dubbed spiritual organization, who bases its believes on

they believe that only the white people with blue eyes and blonde hair descent from nordics heritage, so they have ā€œpurest bloodā€ and tend to be more prominent to the magick.

it seems like you can be ā€œadmittedā€ into the cult only if you have a low BMI (Body Mass Index is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness.) in his main instagram page he states that people, in order to archive happiness, must be very skinny, and in his account everyone who disagree with this statements is promoting obesity.

various people also stated that on their discord group (supposedly where everything enrolls between the adepts) a lot of people who were invited to the chat and posted pictures of themselves were bullied, called fat, suggesting they should cut themselves and obviously post pictures under the hashtag KALIACC on instagram. (i donā€™t have many proof of this since instagram tends to ban people posting self harm pictures, but thereā€™s still a pic or two if you look up the hashtag on IG as of the timing iā€™m writing this.

i have seen various callout account on both instagram and twitter about this situation, but i really canā€™t grasp any sense of this. on their main instagram account (who also used to be VICTIM 1 spam account, for reason unknown now the owner appears to be the leader of this ā€œcultā€.

From what I can gather: 2 leaders, "miya" and "sunny" (aka VEDIC_CYBERGOD aka Reiko)

Miya got banned but bounced back on sonya acc. and tries best to hide fact they're ban-dodging (made fake eulogy site, listed by all followers as master, one of the most prominent posters, has decoy hashtags in bio to make themselves seem like what they think twitter thinks is the "average orthodox user") Some /x/ posters claim miya was a bot but unlikely (might be controlled by sunny/Reiko but evidence is sparse and is mostly circumstantial)

Sunny got banned from twitter as well, and certain evidence suggest they're also ban-dodging with an alt (https://twitter.com/ARIOSOPHY big "rip vedic cybergod" thing, same false flag bio, enormous pinned megathread of "required reading")

You know how victim #1's story mentions that sunny was a previous channer and discord user going by Reiko? does that name ring any bells?


We have reason to believe this isn't the first t-slur-exploitative harem-cult sunny has lead. The stories line up well. Reiko gets ousted hard after the discord scandal, takes a year to think up how to make a more successful cult, and reinvents themself as an esoteric-fascist, accelerationist reincarnation of Shiva.

The benefits to politicization of the cult are as follows:

1: You get to pre-radicalize member to a belief system before making them join the cult

2: You can make any issue they have with you political and improve your shaming powers

3: you can argue it's "not a cult" (as Reiko commonly argued when featured on the alt-right accel. podcast "breakth3rules), that rather "it's a belief system that you just happened to share with some people"

4: by using influences from political theories which, to the average person, are incomprehensible, you can filter specifically for people who are LOOKING for both community and affirmation they are intelligent. the second and even more powerful advantage to this is that anyone who manages to fully understand your contradictory and wildly-swinging ideology have to basically adopt the belief system to understand it. This takes full advantage of the mere-exposure effect/ the illusory truth affect to basically make anyone who tries to research or even oppose it start to believe it.




A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness

can be

Fatcels canā€™t fool me

John Cena = fat Gigachad = fat

Because he ate all the wontons Winnie Xi Pooh sent him in thanks for his humble apology to the glorious nation of China.




Stopped reading there. I don't acknowledge leaf, bong, or any other assorted eurotrash standards of measurement.

This takes full advantage of the mere-exposure effect/ the illusory truth affect to basically make anyone who tries to research or even oppose it start to believe it.

Snally was just afraid to do the research in case she ended up converted into a white-nationalist e-girl.

She'd just be even more attractive

The train formerly known as digibro is sending fan art to this person.

This is an internet insanity crossover.

Golden Witch, formerly Digibro, is a former successful anime reviewer & podcaster turned train who post transition lost her GF, abandoned anime reviewing, tried to become a rapper, moved into an RV with her new boyfriend and a ketamine addict (who in my opinion looks to be conning Digi out of every cent she has), and I think is now currently living out of a car.

A lot of former fans have wondered why the artist formerly known as Digi embraced public transport, with some folks attributing it to a "become the l*li" fantasy or the ministrations of their ex, but if this is legit due to an esoteric-fascist e-girl cult run by internet OG and dommer of incels Reiko then this is a very interesting development. Really shows how small the world is.


I'm out. The T community is a perpetual drama machine, there's too much of it, it's of low value.

So that's who's been making all the memes of homofascist catboys with cuts on their arms. I can now rest easy.

And thanks for all those videos of humanity at its finest.

How dare you deny Nick Fuentes his rightful credit.

Thereā€™s just a lot of those, probably different. This ones mostly girls cutting

Am I sensing some infidelity against the idea that trains men are all heckin' cute and valid catboys?

That is a lot to read but it looks very well presented!

I didn't read it either, but thanks.

Never before have I thought this would happen on Discord. It has always been on obscure internet forums.

I hate how people want to put everything on Discord now.


No sunny is way too retarded to be reiko

Ya I'm kinda doubtful of that part too, people are always trying to find connections to that situation bc it has such a serious reputation but 99 percent of the time it's just someone bullshiting for attention

I know both of them, he isnā€™t reiko

Thanks for the work this is incredible drama šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

do you know what happened with the kalichan.club forum?

Iirc nobody used it and it was just expired


are you actually a woman? I have a hard time believing a woman can be so based.

Snally is internet drama incarnate. Do you really think the personification of SRD and ardrama would be a man?

Iā€™d expect a girl with a penis tbh


Snally puts Lawlz to shame and anyone who disagrees should be barrel bombed. I hope you all join me tonight in celebrating the drama king of the Levant for his 95% popular reelection šŸ¦šŸ‡øšŸ‡¾šŸŽ‰

Iā€™m currently casting for a Lion of Damascus furry porno. Would you be interested in live streaming for an audition?


lying is a sin you know

if you close your eyes first, you can believe anything.

You shut your whore mouth

I have read that title. I have reread that title. I cannot understand what the hell it is saying. It's definitely words though


You know your drama is better than ours, why do you punish us so. It only makes me want to drink your bath water more.

brief summary

If you can make brief summary of a cult it's not batshit insane enough to be dramatic.

not even you cosplaying as a cat-girl can make me read all this

i'm surprised you're not interested given one of the main players is that r9k guy who tried to groom kids into being traps

Snally, the only thing I'm interested in is you.

Furries, traps, and bussy mean nothing to me when it comes to your well-being

Wignat e-girls eh? Sounds like a job for a misogynist(only against mayo women) BIPOC like me

i am happy for you that you are Black and/or indigenous and hope that you can use your Lived Experiences to navigate these trying times and as such avoid becoming a part of Kaliacc. In conclusion, fuck you and I hope you manage to overcome your natural hardships as a zoomer and live a meaningful life you worthless piece of shit.


wasn't there already a white nationalist anorexic cult

none of them explicitly involve members to be underweight/pro-ana as far as I have seen.

then what am i thinking of there's definitely been anorexic cults before

oh yeah, there definitely has, but this particular one doesn't have any roots in previous ana cults. I think some of the guy(s) who started it were the ones who created the feminization discord cult.

the feminization discord cult

Isn't that just Discord?

GOOD point.

Don't ever leave us snally, I swear I will never upvote other w*man's post than yours šŸ˜©

Is that Kaliacc thing linked somewhat to theses weird hyperborea videos montages I keep seeing popping around ?


That cock teasing post. Are you genuinely mad or is it "that time of the month again" šŸ¤®

Is that Kaliacc thing linked somewhat to theses weird hyperborea videos montages

Probably. I'd avoid watching them; the guy behind this is allegedly the same one who was trying to groom kids into his r9k sissy community a little while back. Not that you're susceptible, but it's better not to take chances I suppose!

Are you genuinely mad


Snally, I'm like a 40yo boomer with a beer belly, I'm the real menace here for this R*ssian

Not that you're susceptible, but it's better not to take chances I suppose!

You should be careful too, imagine getting hypnotized into becoming a double woman!

Do you ... think white nationalist sissy hypno is real? Like it has magic hypnosis powers or something?

No- I know that it is not only real but also has magick hypnosis powers.

I feel guilty - like when the class gets too rowdy and causes your favorite teacher to erupt in anger.

Donā€™t leave us snally - youā€™re the only good teach here!

Yeah Im genuinely curious about the Kaliacc people now. I think youā€™re right and they are the blackpilled surf the kali yuga doomers

Go fuck yourselves you stupid assholes.

Every post in this sub should end with something like this.

Now why don't you all get off the internet, go outside, and play a game of hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.

this is basically Dana Carvey's Fauci impression btw

And on the 7th day of drama neutering, snally morphed into a mix of lawlz, pewkie, and dare I say me.

That's terrifying!

howā€™s your cat doing snally

I see this thread is about the r9k trap harem guy. wake me up when heā€™s in maximum security prison. I just ate so I donā€™t want to read anything about him

finally some clarity here

Didnt reiko get a kid kilt?

As someone who reiko personally called based, I donā€™t think so, never been able to figure that our


Why is mommy angry šŸ˜¢

Post a summary to rdrama.net

Jeez someone must be on the rag

*hands u a pad* good luck kid heh heh


Didnā€™t this happen like a year ago?

Yes, both you and I know that this post is like 75% inaccurate lol

Yeah, but it's the source of ongoing drama.

Where lol

How come you nerds can do textposts but I can't smh. I literally cannot care about any drama in this post because I feel so attacked by you flexing textposting ability on me. Do better sweaty

Snally donā€™t do me dirty and put me with these WRD stupidpolers. Gimme the rundown.

Oh cool this is reiko I used to be part of a small group that doxed him, if leddit had a way to inbed images I would post it but just imagine a balding pasty white guy with those incel glasses and a shitty beard with super pink lips and that's him

yeah, I guess he's teamed up with some other NEETs on a scheme to (successfully...) groom underage instahos. What an age to be alive in

Can I be your GTA?

Make a Kaliacc subthing and start the harvest.

Based. Drama Pilled. We deserve this OP.

Just because I'm Jewish doesn't mean I'm "hand-wringing"

The anti-Semitism here is disgusting.

Snally, if I'm never meeting your standards, please let me know. We don't deserve you šŸ˜­

The queen has spoken. This is some weird stuff.

shutup snally


Whelp, snally hates the sub now, might as well shut it down. Zero good contributors left. Unironically

When will the Snallyposting return so that we can be free of the eternal shitposts and seriousposts that plague these lands?



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I'll have you know I'm rocking a raging boner at the present moment.



kaliacc was doxed. It's an indian dude.

Didnā€™t the originator of kaliacc get doxxed as a smelly pajeet? I think I still have the tunak tun edit of him saved.

