Literally 1984

1  2021-05-28 by GreenBitala10


How could one man be soo brave ty for this 😭

I wonder how many people reference 1984 without reading it.

Kind of like how rightoids like animal farm despite the author being a socialist.

It's been a while since I read that book but isn't it basically a story about why socialism/communism will never work?

It’s him still seething about how his anarchist bros got btfo’d by Stalin in Spain

this is unironically the most accurate take

It was intended as a critique of stalinist/leninist communism and general authoritarianism. In practice, it also disses the idea of revolution in general (which is a critique of communism given that "true communism" necessitates violent revolution) as being misguided and easily hijacked.

To be completely honest, I've never understood communism's obsession with violent revolution. It's on the same tier of logic as that one conspiracy theory that leftists have about Christians wanting Jews in Israel to start the rapture. Still haven't met an actual Christian who believes that. Maybe that's just how these people think and they project it out on the world.

Christians wanting Jews in Israel to start the rapture. Still haven't met an actual Christian who believes that.

Probably because the rapture is something unique to Angl*-Burgerstani protozoans that didn't existed until the 1820s.

. It's on the same tier of logic as that one conspiracy theory that leftists have about Christians wanting Jews in Israel to start the rapture. Still haven't met an actual Christian who believes that.

I went to an evangelical private school for K-8 and I can say it's a very common opinion. They think the "Holy Land" should be a Bible theme park staffed by (((proto-Christians))) that they can visit sometimes and eventually set off the rapture. The rapture is also both bad and good and you are supposed to not want it to happen and want it to happen at the same time. Granted I was going to school when "The Left Behind" series was still being written and was at the height of its popularity with these types. That had to influence it.

Evangelical K-8 school sounds like about the craziest of the crazies in the religious sphere. I think judging any large body by the craziest is a bit daft, granted everyone does it but it’s still quite dumb. The vast majority of support for Israel has no connection to crazy conspiracy theories and to hear leftoids talk like rightoids is a scary development.

Evangelical K-8 school sounds like about the craziest of the crazies in the religious sphere. I think judging any large body by the craziest is a bit daft

I probably should have said "It was a very common opinion in that group in that time period". I honestly have no idea what evangelicals think of Israel now because I don't really know any.

The school was pretty crazy though. We had Footloose-style parents that thought dancing was a sin. Once a year we were visited by the "Dinosaur man" that would explain to us why evolution was fake, radiocarbon dating don't real, and people used to live to be 900 years old because the atmosphere was encased in a giant ice shell. At least we got to watch Veggietales.

At least we got to watch Veggietales.


to hear leftoids talk like rightoids is a scary development.

True words have never been spoken

that one conspiracy theory that leftists have about Christians wanting Jews in Israel to start the rapture. Still haven't met an actual Christian who believes that.

This is not a conspiracy theory. Plenty of evangelicals absolutely do believe this.

I have met more communists who believe this exists than Evangelicals who actually believe it (which is to say more than one commies and none of the Evangelicals). It’s just a bizzaro cope from muricans who can’t comprehend that people can disagree with them politically without being crazy.

Literally every evangelical I've met believes this crazy stuff lol

But of course so do all tankies

Am evangelical. Don't believe it.

Bro it's the internet....... U don't have to admit embarrassing things...

imagine being a... ...Allah forgive me for uttering this word... ...atheist 🤮

Go to an Alabama Baptist or Pentecostal church

That is not evangelical.

Are you that rslurred

I bet he thinks catholics aren't Christian

They aren’t

Probably, but it’s still not. Evangelical is a denomination separate from Baptist or Pentecostal.

After some googling you're technically right, but I'm pretty sure most people in those churches label themselves as "evangelical"

No. They do not. They label themselves as southern Baptist or Pentecostal, like you said.

So when they refer to evangelical voters they're referring to a very small subset of the Christian population 🤔

Those who refer to “evangelical voters,” as a collective group, are often brain dead idiots. They really just mean Christians.

I mean that was most likely the context of the comment but I'm done cereal posting

I have never met one

I've never understood communism's obsession with violent revolution

Violent revolution is essentially a necessary condition to establishment of true, full-blown communism because (a) most Western-style governments are jammed full of parliamentary procedures and checks/balances geared towards incremental progress rather than swift change and (b) you'll always have a large portion of society (talking 30-40% at least) that aren't going to agree to full out redistribution of their shit at a level that's really prescribed by socialism, so even if you get 50%+ of the society in favor, (a) is a safety valve for (b).

Truly, the American Liberal Democracy is immunized against all Authoritarianism.

you’ll always have a large portion of society (talking 30-40% at least) that aren’t going to agree to full out redistribution of their shit at a level that’s really prescribed by socialism

*90% minimum

start the rapture

Sorry to burst your bubble but the rapture was mathematically predicted by Camping back in 2011. The rapture already happened, we just dont have an entry ticket upstairs

Truly drama is hell

It's about authoritarianism. Orwell was a socialist, but not of the type that's been implemented in most countries that have tried or are trying it.

Orwell would have been a big fan of Rojava.

The message I got from it was more that everyone in power is corrupt, even if the people or party that started the revolution/movement had good intentions at first

Not really. Was just him being butthurt about stalinism


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despite the author being a socialist.

it's a condemnation of the utter and abject failure of the (socialist) revolution in Russia so

Yeah yeah yeah that's why it like wasn't published before ww2 was over

what do you mean?

Published August 1945

Only the Japanese on there home islands and some Malaysia and Philippines strongholds were left. Maybe some in Manchuria.

The war was over in. July 1944 anyways. Hitler was running out of manpower and competent generals like the USA was with toilet paper a year ago.


What is your point?

You both argue wrong, you aren't nearly smug enough

Yes, I suppose that is very true, but may I ask another question?—What do you consider to be the greatest blessing which you have reaped from your drama posting?

Also I just realized that like zoomers that say stuff like "Truuuuuuuuuuueeee" when you give them a good point comes from Plato's republic.

Reminder that history isnt a circle. Its just just a heaving mass of breathing Jungian primordial Archetypes.

(this shitpost brought to you by shitty starbucks coffee gang. god damn the coffee in this west coast shit hole sucks)


I've read it. But so long time ago the year could be 1984...

V for Vendetta is fresher in my mind at this point.

Been near two decades for me. But think about how many people in high school just sparknoted that shit. I think maybe 10% of all even Advanced Lit students in Highschool actually read the books. And I dont blame them, chasing girls and doing other shit is way more fun.

Save that book nerd ass geek shit till you are 25+

>V for Vendetta

I remember when V was the big thing all the proto-anarchists and boomer media used to cry about anytime something political happened, especially around 2010-12. Then 1984 took over. What happened?

1984 got a better movie.

Been near two decades for me. But think about how many people in high school just sparknoted that shit. I think maybe 10% of all even Advanced Lit students in Highschool actually read the books. And I dont blame them, chasing girls and doing other shit is way more fun.

Save that book nerd ass geek shit till you are 25+


Nah, I will continue reading Pratchett. I am done reading complicated books.

I just recall thinking it was kind of a slow read with lots of inconsequential words words words. But then again I wasn't reading explicitly for analysis or anything.

U mean anti socialist

A bussy slapping a human face - for ever.

Literally 1985

Glee except it’s members of the Junior Anti Sex League



I like gussy better.

I rarely downvote. Uve earned urs


Bussy (boy pussy) should be a transmasculine exclusive term, not just a word for cisgays to describe their assholes.

Edit: dear god stop this madness I didn't realize it was AAVE don't crucify me!

Die. 😾

These goldfish-memorycels don’t remember the tweet

everyone replying to you should keep themselves safe


Trying too hard bruh. It's ok, smoke some weed and pound one out.