non-manlet and Billionaire Rich Dinklage introduces a premium twitter "Twitter Blue" for terminally online, mentally ill, twitter-cels

1  2021-05-28 by cassiorolex


Heckin based ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Twitter and large corporations in general are our greatest ally in the fight against fascism and white supremacy

We should let hecking cute and valid tech companies be the ultimate and sole arbitrators for constitutional rights and limits. Fuck it let them be in charge of deciding over free speech issues.

Oh wait that is already the reality we live in.


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. non-manlet and Billionaire Rich Din... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Snappy, stay blessed queen. ๐Ÿ‘‘

This man cannot handle his facial hair. You'd think someone with his amount of money could hire a decent barber.

If they were even mildly fashionable they wouldn't need to be rich to be fuckable.

What no bussy does to a mf

Twitter autists canโ€™t afford $3 a month.

True but they will still pay it.

Looks like rent just went up $3!

Get ready for Twitter Blue activated profiles with venmo and PayPal links in their bio

And onlyfans

How on earth does a company with that much money manage to release literally zero features ever? like what do their legion of devs actually do?

Honestly, anti-spam, minor improvements in speed/caching/optimization, supporting the native android, ios, and web apps, etc. Probably still technical debt from 2008.

Basically, think of reddit. Reddit has had 0 no big improvements really since its inception. They tried pushing a bunch of bullshit New reddit css, "follow users", "post shit to your user profile", etc. Not to mention the total re()$TY($#&)(TY&#$)(T&tardation of a chat client reddit thought was so cool and epic to implement.

Tech is a shit show and always will be.

and by anti-spam you mean censorship, because the place is crawling with spambots

It reportedly comes with a โ€œreader modeโ€ for threads.

15 years later Twitter finally releases an update to make thread structure not rslurred and they charge for it lmao

Brilliant. Create a culture where one tweet can ruin your life and then make people pay to undo it.

The man could charge $30 a month and the blues would buy it on all their accounts.

non-manlet and Billionaire Rich Dinklage

Editorialising in title borders on gibberish. This is nothing to do with Game Of Thrones and therefore it is not interesting.

which adds an 'undo tweet' button

Can we 'undo Twitter' please?

lets you customize colors in the app, "undo send" on your tweets, and organize tweets in folders

Lmao imagine paying $3 a month for that. On one hand it is great how twitter is struggling to make money, that they monetize trash like that. On the other, everyone willing to pay for that trash deserves to get fleeced for their money, so I cant even hate on twitter Corp.